# achievement\_criteria\_data [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`achievement\_criteria\_data\` table** This table contains the data that a player needs to obtain / complete in order to receive a given achievement. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | ---------------- | --------- | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | ----- | ------- | | [criteria_id][1] | MEDIUMINT | | PRI | NO | | | | | [type][2] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | 0 | | | | [value1][3] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [value2][4] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [ScriptName][5] | char(64) | | | NO | | | | [1]: #criteria_id [2]: #type [3]: #value1 [4]: #value2 [5]: #scriptname **Description of the fields** ### criteria\_id This is the ID from [Achievement\_Criteria.dbc](Achievement+Criteria). ### type Depending on this value, it will determine how value1 and value2 are used. | Type | Name | | ---- | ------------------------- | | 0 | TYPE_NONE | | 1 | TYPE_T_CREATURE | | 2 | TYPE_T_PLAYER_CLASS_RACE | | 3 | TYPE_T_PLAYER_LESS_HEALTH | | 4 | TYPE_T_PLAYER_DEAD | | 5 | TYPE_S_AURA | | 6 | TYPE_S_AREA | | 7 | TYPE_T_AURA | | 8 | TYPE_VALUE | | 9 | TYPE_T_LEVEL | | 10 | TYPE_T_GENDER | | 11 | TYPE_SCRIPT | | 12 | TYPE_MAP_DIFFICULTY | | 13 | TYPE_MAP_PLAYER_COUNT | | 14 | TYPE_T_TEAM | | 15 | TYPE_S_DRUNK | | 16 | TYPE_HOLIDAY | | 17 | TYPE_BG_LOSS_TEAM_SCORE | | 18 | TYPE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT | | 19 | TYPE_S_EQUIPED_ITEM | | 20 | TYPE_MAP_ID | | 21 | TYPE_S_PLAYER_CLASS_RACE | | 22 | TYPE_NTH_BIRTHDAY | | 23 | TYPE_S_KNOWN_TITLE | ### value1 **TYPE\_T\_CREATURE** - The target here must be a valid entry from creature\_template **TYPE\_T\_PLAYER\_CLASS\_RACE** - The target here is a valid class (paste class list). value2 must also be set **TYPE\_T\_PLAYER\_LESS\_HEALTH** - The percentage of health that the target must reach. **TYPE\_T\_PLAYER\_DEAD** - The faction of the target player (must match player attempting achievement). **TYPE\_S\_AURA** - The spell ID of the aura that must be on the player. value2 must also be set. **TYPE\_S\_AREA** - Area ID from AreaTable.dbc **TYPE\_T\_AURA** - The spell ID of the aura that must be on the target. value2 must also be set. **TYPE\_VALUE** - Value to compare needed to attain achievement. This value is used in conjunction with another type. (see value2 for comparisation type) **TYPE\_T\_LEVEL** - The minimum level that the target can be. **TYPE\_T\_GENDER** - Gender: 0=Male, 1=Female **TYPE\_SCRIPT** - Used to disable an achievement if all requirements are not defined. Would usually be used if not all are known. **TYPE\_MAP\_DIFFICULTY** - Map difficulty: (for dungeons) - Normal = 0 - Heroic = 1 - Map difficulty: (for raids) - 10 Man Normal = 0 - 25 Man Normal = 1 - 10 Man Heroic = 2 - 25 Man Heroic = 3 **TYPE\_MAP\_PLAYER\_COUNT** - The number of other players that must be in the zone. (not sure if it is minimum or maximum). **TYPE\_T\_TEAM** - The target must be on this team: Alliance = 469, Horde = 67 **TYPE\_S\_DRUNK** - How drunk the player must be: - DRUNKEN\_SOBER = 0 - DRUNKEN\_TIPSY = 1 - DRUNKEN\_DRUNK = 2 - DRUNKEN\_SMASHED = 3 **TYPE\_HOLIDAY** - Holiday ID from Holiday.dbc and game\_event. Must be an active holiday. **TYPE\_BG\_LOSS\_TEAM\_SCORE** - Player's team win bg and opposition team have team score in range. // Min. score **TYPE\_INSTANCE\_SCRIPT** - Make instance script call for check current criteria requirements fit. **TYPE\_S\_EQUIPED\_ITEM** - Item level **TYPE\_MAP\_ID** - Player must be on mapId **TYPE\_S\_PLAYER\_CLASS\_RACE** - The Source here is a valid class (paste class list). value2 must also be set   **TYPE\_NTH\_BIRTHDAY** - Number of Birthday **TYPE\_S\_KNOWN\_TITLE** - The value here is a valid titleId. See CharTitles.dbc ### value2 **TYPE\_T\_PLAYER\_CLASS\_RACE** **TYPE\_S\_PLAYER\_CLASS\_RACE** - The value here is a valid race ID. See ChrRaces.dbc **TYPE\_S\_AURA** - Effect Index of the aura **TYPE\_T\_AURA** - Effect Index of the aura **TYPE\_BG\_LOSS\_TEAM\_SCORE** - Max. score **TYPE\_S\_EQUIPED\_ITEM** - Item quality **TYPE\_VALUE** | ComparisationType | | ------------------------ | | COMP\_TYPE\_EQ = 0 | | COMP\_TYPE\_HIGH = 1 | | COMP\_TYPE\_LOW = 2 | | COMP\_TYPE\_HIGH\_EQ = 3 | | COMP\_TYPE\_LOW\_EQ = 4 | ### ScriptName The ScriptName for when scripting it in the core. This might also be 'SmartTrigger'. It will than use [SmartAI](smart_scripts).