# areatrigger\_teleport [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`areatrigger\_teleport\` table** Contains all the teleport triggers definition. This table is used to complete .dbc file information. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | ----------------------- | --------- | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | ----- | ------- | | [ID][1] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | 0 | | | | [Name][2] | text | | MUL | YES | | | | | [target_map][3] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [target_position_x][4] | FLOAT | | | NO | 0 | | | | [target_position_y][5] | FLOAT | | | NO | 0 | | | | [target_position_z][6] | FLOAT | | | NO | 0 | | | | [target_orientation][7] | FLOAT | | | NO | 0 | | | [1]: #id [2]: #name [3]: #target_map [4]: #target_position_x [5]: #target_position_y [6]: #target_position_z [7]: #target_orientation **Description of the fields** ### ID This is the trigger identifier, it must match with the one fromĀ [AreaTrigger.dbc](DBC-AreaTrigger) ### name Name of the trigger. This can be an arbitrary name, and is for descriptive purposes only. ### target\_map Target map of the trigger (see Maps.dbc). ### target\_position\_x X coordinate for the target destination of the trigger ### target\_position\_y Y coordinate for the target destination of the trigger ### target\_position\_z Z coordinate for the target destination of the trigger ### target\_orientation Orientation the player will get when appearing at this location ### Examples | ID | Name | target_map | target_position_x | target_position_y | target_position_z | target_orientation | | --- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | | 45 | Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard (Entrance) | 189 | 1688.99 | 1053.48 | 18.6775 | 0.00117 | | 78 | DeadMines Entrance | 36 | -16.4 | -383.07 | 61.78 | 1.86 | | 101 | Stormwind Stockades Entrance | 34 | 54.23 | 0.28 | -18.34 | 6.26 | | 107 | Stormwind Vault Entrance | 35 | -0.91 | 40.57 | -24.23 | 0 | | 109 | Stormwind Vault Instance | 0 | -8653.45 | 606.19 | 91.16 | 0 |