# autobroadcast [<-Back-to:Auth](database-auth.md) **The \`autobroadcast\` table** This table contains the autobroadcast entries for your realms. Values like it's activity, position and Timer (\*.On, \*.Center, \*.Timer) are defined within the [worldserver.conf](https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/blob/master/src/server/worldserver/worldserver.conf.dist). They are chosen randomly, based on their weight. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | ------------ | -------- | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | -------------- | ------- | | [realmid][1] | INT | SIGNED | PRI | NO | -1 | | | | [id][2] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | | AUTO_INCREMENT | | | [weight][3] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | YES | 1 | | | | [text][4] | LONGTEXT | SIGNED | | NO | | | | [1]: #realmid [2]: #id [3]: #weight [4]: #text **Description of the fields** ### realmid The [realmlist.id](realmlist#id). Defines which realm this entry belongs to. Use **-1** for all realms to load this entry. ### id Unique identifier key per realm. Entries with same id will override each other without warnings - this can be used to replace -1 realmid entry on a specific realm. ### weight A non-negative integer. Entries with higher weight have more chance to get picked. ### text The text to broadcast. Color and item/spell/quest link formating codes can be used.