# character\_talent [<-Back-to:Characters](database-characters.md) **The \`character\_talent\` table** Contains all the individual talent data for each character. This is only used as a storage table, values get read from here and written to character\_spell, and vice-versa, when a player switches specs. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | ------------- | --------- | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | ----- | ------- | | [guid][1] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | | | | | [spell][2] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | | | | | [specMask][3] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | 0 | | | [1]: #guid [2]: #spell [3]: #specmask **Description of the fields** ### guid The character guid. See [characters.guid](characters#guid). ### spell The spell ID. See [Spell.dbc](spell) column 1. ### specMask | Value | Data | | ----- | ------------------ | | 0 | is the first spec | | 1 | is the second spec |