--- redirect_from: "/CMake-options" --- # CMake Options ## PERFORMANCE If you want to disable performance optimizations, add this flag `-DENABLE_EXTRAS=0` Only necessary if you're debugging. ## EXTRA LOGS If you want to enable extra logs, add this flag: `-DENABLE_EXTRA_LOGS=1` Note: Will be CPU intensive. ## WARNINGS Enable all warnings when compiling: `-DWITH_WARNINGS=1` ## Precompiled Headers (PCH) Disable all uses of PCH: `-DNOPCH=1` Or one by one: ``` -DUSE_COREPCH=0 -DUSE_SCRIPTPCH=0 ``` May increase build times. ## OTHER OPTIONS Other options are available here: * https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/blob/master/conf/dist/config.cmake#L58 * https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/blob/master/src/cmake/showoptions.cmake