--- redirect_from: "/Creating-Accounts" --- # Creating Accounts To be able to log in to your new server you need an account. It is recommended to use security level 3 for your own account. Run the following commands in the Worldserver console. ## To create an account ``` account create ``` **Example:** ``` account create admin admin ``` ## To set your account security level | Level | Security Level | |-------|-------------------| | 0 | SEC_PLAYER | | 1 | SEC_MODERATOR | | 2 | SEC_GAMEMASTER | | 3 | SEC_ADMINISTRATOR | ``` account set gmlevel ``` **Example:** ``` account set gmlevel admin 3 -1 ``` {% include note.html content="Use -1 to select all realms, or specify the specific realm id." %} ## Changing password ``` account set password ``` **Example:** ``` account set password admin 1234 1234 ``` ## Higher security level The highest security level is SEC_CONSOLE (4) which your worldserver has by default. It has access to account management and is not recommended for in-game accounts for anyone that does not know what they are doing. To update an account to security level 4 you need to manually edit the fields in the database or run the query below. ```sql UPDATE `account_access` AS `access` INNER JOIN `account` AS `account` ON `access`.`id` = `account`.`id` SET `gmlevel` = 4 WHERE `username` = ''; ```