# creature\_classlevelstats **Table Structure** This table contains the base values for creature health, mana, armor, attack power, ranged attack power, damage, and experience. | Field | Type | Attributes | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | |------------------------|-------------|------------|------|---------|-------|---------| | [level][1] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [class][2] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [basehp0][3] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [basehp1][4] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [basehp2][5] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [basemana][6] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [basearmor][7] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [attackpower][8] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [rangedattackpower][9] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | | | | [damage_base][10] | FLOAT | | NO | | | | | [damage_exp1][11] | FLOAT | | NO | | | | | [damage_exp2][12] | FLOAT | | NO | | | | | [comment][13] | text | | YES | NULL | | | [1]: #level [2]: #class [3]: #basehp0 [4]: #basehp1 [5]: #basehp2 [6]: #basemana [7]: #basearmor [8]: #attackpower [9]: #rangedattackpower [10]: #damage_base [11]: #damage_exp1 [12]: #damage_exp2 [13]: #comment **Field Descriptions** ### level Level of the creature. ### class Class of the creature. This is a reference to the [unit\_class](creature_template#creature_template-unit_class) field in the [creature\_template](creature_template) table. ### basehp0 Base health for the creature if creature\_template.exp value is set to 0. This value is multiplied by [creature\_template.Health\_mod](creature_template#health_mod)  to determine the creature's final health. ### basehp1 Base health for the creature if creature\_template.exp value is set to 1. This value is multiplied by [creature\_template.Health\_mod](creature_template#health_mod)  to determine the creature's final health. ### basehp2 Base health for the creature if creature\_template.exp value is set to 2. This value is multiplied by [creature\_template.Health\_mod](creature_template#health_mod)  to determine the creature's final health. ### basemana Base mana for the creature. This value is multiplied by  [creature\_template.Mana\_mod](creature_template#mana_mod) to determine the creature's final mana. ### basearmor Base armor for the creature. This value is multiplied by creature\_template.Armor\_mod to determine the creature's final armor. ### attackpower Base attack power for the creature. ### rangedattackpower Base ranged attack power for the creature. ### damage\_base Modifier used to calculate the damage output of a creature. This field is used if a creature's [exp](creature_template#exp) is set to 0. See [DamageModifier](creature_template#damagemodifier) for more information. ### damage\_exp1 Modifier used to calculate the damage output of a creature. This field is used if a creature's [exp](creature_template#exp) is set to 1. See [DamageModifier](creature_template#damagemodifier) for more information. ### damage\_exp2 Modifier used to calculate the damage output of a creature. This field is used if a creature's [exp](creature_template#exp) is set to 2. See [DamageModifier](creature_template#damagemodifier) for more information. ### comment A comment describing the purpose of the record (entry).