# AC Database-only quick setup This tutorial explains how to quickly setup an instance of the AC Database. ### Introduction Sometimes you need an AzerothCore DB up and running without having to setup the whole server, for example to use applications like [Keira3](https://github.com/azerothcore/Keira3) or similar. With this setup, you do **not** have to install MySQL server in your system. ### Requirements The only requirements are git and Docker (including `docker-compose`). You can find the links to setup Docker for your operating system in the "Software requirements" category of [this page](http://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/Install-with-Docker#setup). ### Clone the AC sources You need to clone the AC sources somewhere in your machine and cd into it: ``` git clone https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk.git; cd azerothcore-wotlk; ``` ### How to quickly spin up an AzerothCore Database instance You can easily create an instance of MySQL server containing the AC database using: ``` docker-compose up -d ac-database ``` The default password will be `password` and the default port will be `3306`. If you want to change those values, run the following instead: ``` DOCKER_DB_EXTERNAL_PORT=9000 DOCKER_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root docker-compose up -d ac-database ``` After the db service is up and running, use the following command to import the database `docker-compose run --rm ac-dev-server ./acore.sh db-assembler import-all` This will import all the sql files needed to setup your database **NOTE:** The same command can be used to keep the database updated with latest changes when you update the repository ### Destroy the docker instance of the AC Database You can destroy the containers created with docker-compose using: ``` docker-compose down ```