# AzerothCore Debian 12 Quick Install Guide This is a streamlined guide for installing AzerothCore to a Debian 12 server, securing it, and enabling one-command maintenance from your Windows PC. ## Table of Contents 1. [Requirements](#Requirements) 2. [Debian Setup](#Debian-Setup) 1. [First Login](#First-Login) 2. [Change Default Password](#Change-Default-Password) 3. [Change Default SSH Port](#Change-Default-SSH-Port) 4. [Setup Firewall](#Setup-Firewall) 5. [Get Dependencies](#Get-Dependencies) 6. [Install SQL Database](#Install-SQL-Database) 3. [SSH Setup](#SSH-Setup) 1. [Key Generation](#Key-Generation) 2. [Key-Based Login Setup](#Key-based-Login-Setup) 3. [Disable Password Logins](#Disable-Password-Logins) 4. [AzerothCore Installation](#AzerothCore-Installation) 1. [Clone Repository](#Clone-Repository) 2. [Get Data Files](#Get-Data-Files) 3. [Add Anticheat Module](#Add-Anticheat-Module) 4. [Build Core](#Build-Core) 5. [Edit Configs](#Edit-Configs) 6. [Set Realm IP](#Set-Realm-IP) 7. [Launch Server](#Launch-Server) 8. [Create GM account](#Create-GM-account) 5. [Maintenance](#Maintenance) 1. [Create Alias Command](#Create-Alias-Command) 2. [Update AzerothCore](#Update-AzerothCore) ## Requirements ##### [PuTTY](https://www.putty.org/) - A Windows program for sending commands to the server. ##### [FileZilla](https://filezilla-project.org/download.php) - A Windows program for transferring files to/from the server. ##### [HeidiSQL](https://www.heidisql.com/) - A Windows program for connecting to the servers SQL database. ##### [Debian 12](https://www.ovhcloud.com/en-ca/vps/) - A server with Debian 12 installed. (ex: 4gb/4core VPS from OVH) --- ## Debian Setup ### First Login - Use **PuTTY** to connect to your Debian server using the IP address and login credentials supplied by the hosting provider. - Copy the following code blocks and paste them into the PuTTY terminal with right click, then hit enter. ### Change Default Password ```bash passwd ``` ### Change Default SSH Port ```bash sudo sed -i 's/^#Port 22\+$/Port 55022/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sudo systemctl restart sshd ``` ### Setup Firewall ```bash sudo apt install ufw sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing sudo ufw allow 55022 sudo ufw allow 3724 sudo ufw allow 8085 sudo ufw enable ``` ### Get Dependencies ```bash sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y sudo apt install git cmake make gcc g++ clang libssl-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libncurses-dev libboost-all-dev mariadb-server mariadb-client libmariadb-dev libmariadb-dev-compat build-essential p7zip-full screen fail2ban -y ``` ### Install SQL Database ```bash sudo mysql_secure_installation ``` - **-/N/Y/Y/Y/Y/Y** ```bash sudo mysql -u root -p ``` - Enter the root password you just set up. ```bash DROP USER IF EXISTS 'acore'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'acore'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'NEWPASSWORD'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'acore'@'%'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `acore_world` . * TO 'acore'@'%'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `acore_characters` . * TO 'acore'@'%'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `acore_auth` . * TO 'acore'@'%'; exit ``` - Change **NEWPASSWORD** to something more secure. --- ## SSH Setup ### Key Generation #### Debian Public Key ```bash ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "Debian12" cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ``` #### Windows Private Key - Use **Filezilla** to connect to the server and navigate to `home/debian/ssh/` - Copy the `id_ed25519` file to your PC and load it into **puttygen.exe** (located in the PuTTY folder) - Generate a private key `.ppk` file. Store this file somewhere safe and make a backup. ### Key-based Login Setup #### PuTTY ![PuTTY1](https://github.com/aradep/wiki/assets/61268368/1ccb09ec-2df2-4798-874b-6346bf237487) ![PuTTY2](https://github.com/aradep/wiki/assets/61268368/6e5ebe8b-7416-4e69-a030-a88d13fde26e) #### FileZilla ![FileZilla](https://github.com/aradep/wiki/assets/61268368/83e35326-db88-4aed-828c-e29fa0cd167e) #### HeidiSQL ![HeidiSQL1](https://github.com/aradep/wiki/assets/61268368/f3b927dc-94f1-491e-a000-1125a0c1544f) ![HeidiSQL2](https://github.com/aradep/wiki/assets/61268368/689de88e-8bf8-4171-af7c-710f296e793d) ### Disable Password Logins - **After confirming that key-based login works**, disable password logins to enhance SSH security. ```bash sudo sed -i -E 's/#?PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/' ~/etc/ssh/sshd_config sudo rm /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/* sudo service ssh restart ``` --- ## AzerothCore Installation ### Clone Repository ```bash git -C ~/ clone https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk.git --branch master --single-branch azerothcore ``` ### Add Anticheat Module ```bash git -C ~/azerothcore/modules clone https://github.com/azerothcore/mod-anticheat cp -n ~/azerothcore/modules/mod-anticheat/conf/Anticheat.conf.dist ~/server/etc/Anticheat.conf ``` ### Get Data Files ```bash mkdir -p ~/server/data && cd ~/server/data wget https://github.com/wowgaming/client-data/releases/download/v16/data.zip 7z x data.zip && rm data.zip ``` ### Build Core ```bash mkdir -p ~/azerothcore/build && cd ~/azerothcore/build cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/server/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DWITH_WARNINGS=1 -DTOOLS_BUILD=db-only -DSCRIPTS=static -DMODULES=static make -j $(nproc) install ``` ### Edit Configs ```bash cp -n ~/server/etc/authserver.conf.dist ~/server/etc/authserver.conf cp -n ~/server/etc/worldserver.conf.dist ~/server/etc/worldserver.conf sudo sed -i -E 's/DataDir = "."/DataDir = "\~\/server\/data"/' ~/server/etc/worldserver.conf sudo sed -i -E 's/= ";3306;acore;acore;/= ";3306;acore;NEWPASSWORD;/' ~/server/etc/*.conf ``` - Change **NEWPASSWORD** to the password you used earlier during the [SQL database setup](#Install-SQL-Database). ### Set Realm IP ```bash sudo mysql -u root -p ``` ```sql UPDATE acore_auth.realmlist SET address = '' WHERE id = 1; ``` - Change **** to the public IP address of your Debian12 server. ### Launch Server ```bash screen -AmdS auth ~/server/bin/authserver screen -AmdS world ~/server/bin/worldserver screen -r world ``` ### Create GM account ```bash account create USERNAME PASSWORD account set gmlevel USERNAME 3 -1 ``` - **To exit screen:** Ctrl+A -> Ctrl+D - **To kill process:** Ctrl+C --- ## Maintainence ### Create Alias Command ```bash touch ~/.bash_aliases echo "alias acoreupdate=' screen -S world -p 0 -X stuff "saveall^m"; screen -X -S "world" quit; git -C ~/azerothcore/modules/mod-anticheat pull; git -C ~/azerothcore pull; cd ~/azerothcore/build; cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/server/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DWITH_WARNINGS=1 -DTOOLS_BUILD=db-only -DSCRIPTS=static -DMODULES=static; make -j $(nproc) install; screen -AmdS world ~/server/bin/worldserver; screen -r world;'" > ~/.bash_aliases source ~/.bashrc ``` - Now we can **save/exit** the worldserver, **pull** the latest changes from GitHub, **build** the updated core, and **restart** the worldserver all with one command. ### Update AzerothCore ``` acoreupdate ``` ## Finish! - You should now be able to connect to the AzerothCore server by setting your realmlist to the public IP address of the Debian12 server. ex: `set realmlist` --- ## Common Problems #### Auth/Worldserver wont even start. - Make sure you [created the .conf files](#Edit-Configs) and matched the password of the [SQL user](#Install-SQL-Database). #### Successful login but cant enter the realm. - Double check the [realm address.](#Set-Realm-IP) --- ##### Good things to know that this guide does not cover. - Domain name and DNS setup for *"set realmlist logon.server.com"* - Wordpress registration site & acore-cms plugin SOAP connection. - Automated database backups to Google Drive using cron and rclone. ## Other Resources - [Official AzerothCore Installation Guide](https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/installation) - [heyaapl's Debian Tutorial](https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/digital-ocean-video-tutorial) - [Digital Scriptorium's Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4i4za1Scgg)