# disables [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`disables\` table** This table is used to disable dungeons/bgs/spells/etc. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | --------------- | ------------ | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | ----- | ------- | | [sourceType][1] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | NULL | | | | [entry][2] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | NULL | | | | [flags][3] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [params_0][4] | VARCHAR(255) | | | NO | | | | | [params_1][5] | VARCHAR(255) | | | NO | | | | | [comment][6] | VARCHAR(255) | | | NO | | | | [1]: #sourcetype [2]: #entry [3]: #flags [4]: #params_0 [5]: #params_1 [6]: #comment **Description of the fields** ### sourceType | Value | Type | | ----- | ------------------------------------ | | 0 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_SPELL | | 1 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_QUEST | | 2 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_MAP | | 3 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_BATTLEGROUND | | 4 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_ACHIEVEMENT\_CRITERIA | | 5 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_OUTDOORPVP | | 6 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_VMAP | | 7 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_MMAP | | 8 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_LFG\_MAP | | 9 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_GAME\_EVENT | | 10 | DISABLE\_TYPE\_LOOT | ### entry Entry of Spell/Quest/Map/BG/Achievement/Map/GameEvent/Item. ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_SPELL:*** Entry of Spell ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_QUEST:*** [quest_template.id](quest_template#id) ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_MAP:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_VMAP:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_MMAP:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_OUTDOORPVP:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_LFG\_MAP:*** Entry of Map ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_ACHIEVEMENT\_CRITERIA:*** Entry of Achievement ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_GAME\_EVENT:*** [game_event.eventEntry](game_event#evententry) ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_LOOT:*** [item_template.entry](item_template#entry) ### flags If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_SPELL: Specifies who the spell is disabled for. | Value | Type | | ----- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 0 | Spell enabled | | 1 | Spell disabled for players | | 2 | Spell disabled for creatures | | 4 | Spell disabled for pets | | 8 | Spell completely disabled (used for no logner existing spells in DBCs) | | 16 | Spell disabled for MapId | | 32 | Spell disabled for AreaId | | 64 | Line of Sight (LOS) is disabled for this spell (replaces "vmap.ignoreSpellIds" config option) | Example: INSERT INTO \`disables\` VALUES (0, 8921, (1+16+32), "571,1", "1519", "Moonfire Example"); This will disable spell Moonfire (8921) for players in maps 571,1 and area 1519. ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_MAP:*** Specifies what type of map is disabled (5man/10man/heroic/etc). | Value | Type | | ----- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | 1 | DUNGEON_STATUS_FLAG_NORMAL OR RAID_STATUS_FLAG_10MAN_NORMAL | | 2 | DUNGEON_STATUS_FLAG_HEROIC OR RAID_STATUS_FLAG_25MAN_NORMAL | | 4 | RAID_STATUS_FLAG_10MAN_HEROIC | | 8 | RAID_STATUS_FLAG_25MAN_HEROIC | The value is a bitmask of VALID modes for the specific map, 15 is as such NOT a valid mask on certain maps, only those actually found possible for the respective map. ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_VMAP:*** Specifies on which map should be vMap disabled | Value | Type | | ----- | ----------------------- | | 1 | VMAP\_DISABLE\_AREAFLAG | | 2 | VMAP\_DISABLE\_HEIGHT | | 4 | VMAP\_DISABLE\_LOS | | 8 | VMAP\_LIQUIDSTATUS | Example: INSERT INTO \`disables\` VALUES (6, 1, (2 + 4), 0, 0, "Disable Kalimdor vMaps"); This will disable vMaps on whole Kalimdor. ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_QUEST:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_ACHIEVEMENT\_CRITERIA:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_OUTDOORPVP:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_MMAP:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_LFG\_MAP:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_GAME\_EVENT:*** ***If sourceType = DISABLE\_TYPE\_LOOT:*** No flags needed just add the entry to the table with \`flags\`=0. ### params\_0 MapId if DISABLE\_TYPE\_SPELL used, 0 for all maps. ### params\_1 AreaId if DISABLE\_TYPE\_SPELL used, 0 for all areas. ### comment A comment as to why the something was disabled, or any other text that you want.