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# Documentation index
## How to Install
* [Installation Guide](installation)
* [Installing a module](installing-a-module)
## Database
* [DB auth](database-auth.md)
* [DB characters](database-characters.md)
* [DB world](database-world.md)
## Documentation
* [Bash system](bash_system.md)
* [Bitwise operations](bit-and-bytes-tutorial.md)
* [Changelog](changelog.md)
* [CMake options](cmake-options.md)
* [Config Overrides with Env Var](config-overrides-with-env-var.md)
* [Core Scripts](core-scripts.md)
* [Create accounts](creating-accounts)
* [Create a module](create-a-module)
* [Database Squash](database-squash)
* [DBC Index](dbc-index.md)
* [Directory structure](directory-structure.md)
* [Doxygen Documentation](https://www.azerothcore.org/pages/doxygen/index.html)
* [Exit Codes](exitcodes.md)
* [GM Commands](gm-commands)
* [How to Debug and Restart](how-to-restart-and-debug.md)
* [How to Use Warden Payload Manager](how-to-use-warden-payload-mgr.md)
* [How to work with Conf Files](how-to-work-with-conf-files.md)
* [IP2LOCATION](ip2location.md)
* [Logging Configuration](logging-configuration.md)
* [Monitoring AzerothCore with Grafana](monitoring-azerothcore-with-grafana.md)
* [MySQL types (C++)](mysqltypescpp.md)
* [Project Versioning](project-versioning.md)
* [Remote Access](remote-access)
* [Sniffing & Parsing](sniffing-and-parsing)
* [Spell Effects Reference](spell-effects-reference.md)
* [Spell Aura Reference](spell-aura-reference.md)
* [SQL Directory](sql-directory.md)
* [SQL Versioning](sql-versioning.md)
## Recipes & Techniques
* [Useful Tools](useful-tools.md)
* [How to import DBC data into SQL](how-to-import-dbc-data-in-db.md)
* [Run Worldserver and Authserver in Visual Studio](run-worldserver-and-authserver-in-visual-studio.md)
* [Useful SQL Snippets](useful-sql.md)
* [How to use gperftool to analyse your app](how-to-use-gperftool.md)
* [Linux restarter](linux-restarter)
* [Wypoint information](waypoints-information)
* [How to obtain free records](how-to-obtain-free-records)
## Extend AzerothCore
* [The Modular Structure](the-modular-structure.md)
* [Create a script](create-a-script)
* [Hooks Bash](hooks-bash.md)
* [Hooks Cmake](hooks-cmake.md)
* [Hooks C++](hooks-script.md)
## Help
* [FAQ](faq)
* [Common Errors](common-errors)
* [Standard Operating Procedure](standard-operating-procedure)
* [How to ask for help](how-to-ask-for-help)
* [Best practices](best-practices)
## External resources
* Guides and Tips from our Forum
* DBC Documentation
# Wiki docs
* [Wiki Alerts and Callouts](wiki-alerts-and-callouts)