# groups [<-Back-to:Characters](database-characters.md) **The \`groups\` table** This table holds basic info about groups. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | ---------------------- | ------- | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | ----- | ------- | | [guid][1] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | | | | | [leaderGuid][2] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [lootMethod][3] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [looterGuid][4] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [lootThreshold][5] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon1][6] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon2][7] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon3][8] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon4][9] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon5][10] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon6][11] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon7][12] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [icon8][13] | BIGINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [groupType][14] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [difficulty][15] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [raiddifficulty][16] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [masterLooterGuid][17] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | [1]: #guid [2]: #leaderguid [3]: #lootmethod [4]: #looterguid [5]: #lootthreshold [6]: #icon [7]: #icon [8]: #icon [9]: #icon [10]: #icon [11]: #icon [12]: #icon [13]: #icon [14]: #grouptype [15]: #difficulty [16]: #raiddifficulty [17]: #masterlooterguid **Description of the fields** ### guid The ID of the group. This number is unique to each group and is the main method to identify a group. ### leaderGuid The GUID of the character. See [characters.guid](characters#guid). ### lootMethod | Value | Name | Comments | |------ | ----------------- | -------- | | 0 | FREE_FOR_ALL | | | 1 | ROUND_ROBIN | | | 2 | MASTER_LOOT | | | 3 | GROUP_LOOT | | | 4 | NEED_BEFORE_GREED | | ### looterGuid Master looter's guid. See [characters.guid](characters#guid). If [lootMethod](groups#lootmethod) is not 2, then it's group leader's guid. ### lootThreshold `field-no-description|5` ### icon `field-no-description|6-13` ### groupType | Value | Name | Comments | |------ | ---------------- | -------------------------------------- | | 0 | GROUPTYPE_NORMAL | | | 1 | GROUPTYPE_BG | | | 2 | GROUPTYPE_RAID | | | 3 | GROUPTYPE_BGRAID | GROUPTYPE_BG + GROUPTYPE_RAID, // mask | | 4 | GROUPTYPE_UNK1 | | | 8 | GROUPTYPE_LFG | | ### difficulty `field-no-description|15` ### raiddifficulty `field-no-description|16` ### masterLooterGuid `field-no-description|17`