--- redirect_from: "/Installation" --- # Installation Guide ## Choosing a setup There are several ways to install AzerothCore, you need to choose **ONE**. ### Install from the source Supported These are the officially supported and complete ways of installing AzerothCore, for any purpose (Windows, Linux, macOS). - [Azerothcore Classic Installation Recommended](classic-installation.md) - the traditional way of installing AzerothCore. Battle-tested, recommended for all operating systems for any purpose. This process gives more awareness of how AzerothCore is structured. See below on this page. - [AzerothCore Bash Dashboard setup Limited Support](ac-dashboard-core-installation.md) - the simplest way of installing AzerothCore, recommended for both local development and production. - [Docker setup Limited Support](install-with-docker.md) - an installation process based on Docker. Docker knowledge is recommended. ### Install from pre-compiled images Limited support and usage - [Docker pre-compiled setup](https://www.azerothcore.org/acore-docker/) - a straightforward way of installing AzerothCore. Currently, you can't install C++ modules, only Eluna scripts. Particularly suitable for bug triaging, bug reporting, or domestic usage. ### Community made Unsupported These guides are made by community members and might not be up-to-date: - [Debian 12](debian12-install-guide.md) - [Amazon Web Services](aws-tutorial.md) - [Digital Ocean droplet](digital-ocean-video-tutorial.md) - [ArchLinux](arch-linux.md) - [FreeBSD](freebsd.md) - [Visual Studio Code](vsc-requirements)
## Help If you are still having problems, check: * [FAQ](faq.md) * [Common Errors](common-errors.md) * [How to ask for help](how-to-ask-for-help.md) * [Join our Discord Server](https://discord.gg/gkt4y2x), but it is not a 24/7 support channel. A staff member will answer you whenever they have time.