# ip\_banned [<-Back-to:Auth](database-auth.md) **The \`ip\_banned\` table** This table contains all of the banned IPs and the date when (or if) the ban will expire. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | -------------- | ------------ | ---------- | --- | ---- | --------- | ----- | ------- | | [ip][1] | VARCHAR(15) | SIGNED | PRI | NO | | | | | [bandate][2] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | | | | | [unbandate][3] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [bannedby][4] | VARCHAR(50) | SIGNED | | NO | [Console] | | | | [banreason][5] | VARCHAR(255) | SIGNED | | NO | no reason | | | [1]: #ip [2]: #bandate [3]: #unbandate [4]: #bannedby [5]: #banreason **Description of the fields** ### ip The IP address that is banned. ### bandate The date when the IP was first banned, in Unix time. ### unbandate The date when the IP will be unbanned in Unix time. Any date that is set lower than the current date basically classifies as a permanent ban as it will never auto expire. ### bannedby The name of the character that banned the IP. The character should belong to an account with the rights to the .ban command in-game. ### banreason The reason given for the IP ban.