# mail [<-Back-to:Characters](database-characters.md) **The \`mail\` table** This table contains main data about all mails in the game. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | ------------------- | -------- | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | ----- | ---------------------------------- | | [id][1] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | 0 | | Identifier | | [messageType][2] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [stationery][3] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 41 | | | | [mailTemplateId][4] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [sender][5] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | Character Global Unique Identifier | | [receiver][6] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | Character Global Unique Identifier | | [subject][7] | LONGTEXT | SIGNED | | YES | | | | | [body][8] | LONGTEXT | SIGNED | | YES | | | | | [has_items][9] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [expire_time][10] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [deliver_time][11] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [money][12] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [cod][13] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [checked][14] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [auctionId][14] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | [1]: #id [2]: #messagetype [3]: #stationery [4]: #mailtemplateid [5]: #sender [6]: #receiver [7]: #subject [8]: #body [9]: #hasitems [10]: #expiretime [11]: #delivertime [12]: #money [13]: #cod [14]: #checked [15]: #auctionid **Description of the fields** ### id This field contains unique ID of any messages. Don't have autoincrement !!! ### messageType - 0 = Normal - 1 = doesn't exist - 2 = Auction - 3 = Creature - 4 = Gameobject - 5 = Item ### stationery This field can contain these values: - 1 = Test - 41 = Normal mail layout - 61 = GM (Blizzard) - 62 = Auction - 64 = VAL (???) - 65 = CHR (???) ### mailTemplateId Id from MailTemplate.dbc ### sender In this field is entered sender [character.guid](character#guid). ### receiver Here is receiver's [character.guid](character#guid). ### subject Here is stored mail subject. If [stationery][3] is 62, subject has formatted data: `itemEntry:0:response:lotId:itemCount` - **itemEntry**: entry field from item_template table - 0: allways 0 - **response**: Flag from 0 to 6 | Flag | Comment | | ---- | --------------------------- | | 0 | AUCTION_OUTBIDDED | | 1 | AUCTION_WON | | 2 | AUCTION_SUCCESSFUL | | 3 | AUCTION_EXPIRED | | 4 | AUCTION_CANCELLED_TO_BIDDER | | 5 | AUCTION_CANCELED | | 6 | AUCTION_SALE_PENDING | - **lotId**: id field from auctionhouse table - **itemCount**: amount of item at this Lot ### body The text contained in the mail. Max length is 8000 characters. If [stationery][3] is 62, body has formatted data: `hexID:bid:buyout:deposit:cut:delay:eta` - **hexID**: hex value of itemowner's GUID (guid field from characters table) - **bid**: ending bid for this lot - **buyout**: buyout price of lot - **deposit**: amount of money which will be taken by auctionhouse and returned then auction ends - **cut**: Commission fee. Will be taken by auctionhouse then auction ends - **delay**: time in seconds to delay mail with money for successfully solded lot - **eta**: packed time to next mail whth money which appears in mail heder and body of notification mail This formatted data seen only in mail with notification about successful auction or about pending mail with money. ### has_items Default: 0, When is set to 1, that mail can contain items. For items look at [mail\_items](mail_items) table. ### expire\_time Here is timestamp which stores date for auto-return mail to sender or delete if [stationery][3] is 62 (AuctionHouse). ### deliver\_time Here is timestamp which stores date when mail must be delivered to receiver. Can be delayed mails from AuctionHouse. ### money The ammout of money in mail, or money to pay when is COD. ### cod Default: 0 - No COD, when is set to 1, that field \`money\` stores gold for COD. ### checked | Flag | Comment | | ---- | --------------------------- | | 0 | MAIL_CHECK_MASK_NONE | | 1 | MAIL_CHECK_MASK_READ | | 2 | MAIL_CHECK_MASK_RETURNED | | 4 | MAIL_CHECK_MASK_COPIED | | 8 | MAIL_CHECK_MASK_COD_PAYMENT | | 16 | MAIL_CHECK_MASK_HAS_BODY | ### auctionId Only if [stationery][3] is 62. Lot id from AuctionHouse. Can be negative vector in case of delayed mail with money sended by Auction to Lot-owner. For example: [auctionId][14] = 777 : mail to Lot-owner, contains money for sended Lot id 777. Delivered money. [auctionId][14] = -777 : mail contains info that Lot id 777 is sold. Money will be delivered in next mail, time of deliver is set in [`deliver_time`][11] field.