# pet\_levelstats [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`pet\_levelstats\` table** This table holds information on individual pet base stats based on level. **Structure** | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------------|--------------|----------------|---------|----------|-------------|-----------|-------------| | **Field** | **Type** | **Attributes** | **Key** | **Null** | **Default** | **Extra** | **Comment** | | [creature\_entry](#pet_levelstats-creature_entry) | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | NULL |   |   | | [level](#pet_levelstats-level) | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | NULL |   |   | | [hp](#pet_levelstats-hp) | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | NULL |   |   | | [mana](#pet_levelstats-mana) | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | NULL |   |   | | [armor](#pet_levelstats-armor) | INT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | 0 |   |   | | [str](#pet_levelstats-str) | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | NULL |   |   | | [agi](#pet_levelstats-agi) | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | NULL |   |   | | [sta](#pet_levelstats-sta) | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | NULL |   |   | | [inte](#pet_levelstats-inte) | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | NULL |   |   | | [spi](#pet_levelstats-spi) | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED |   | NO | NULL |   |   | **Description of the fields** ### creature\_entry The pet creature template ID. See creature\_template.entry ### level The pet level. ### hp The base health of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core. ### mana The base mana of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core. ### armor The base armor of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core. ### str The base strength of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core. ### agi The base agility of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core. ### sta The base stamina of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core. ### inte The base intellect of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core. ### spi The base spirit of the pet at currently selected [level](#pet_levelstats-level), calculated through core.