# pet\_name\_generation\_locale [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`pet\_name\_generation\_locale\` table** This table holds pieces of names (first and last half) that are use for pet name generation for locale. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | | ----------- | --------- | ---------- | --- | ---- | ------- | -------------- | ------- | | [ID][1] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | NULL | Auto increment | | | [locale][2] | VARCHAR | | | NO | | | | | [word][3] | tinytext | SIGNED | | NO | NULL | | | | [entry][4] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | | [half][5] | TINYINT | SIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | [1]: #id [2]: #locale [3]: #word [4]: #entry [5]: #half **Description of the fields** ### ID The ID of the entry. This field must match [pet_name_generation.id](pet_name_generation.md#id) ### Locale This is the language of the client. | Language | | -------- | | koKR | | frFR | | deDE | | zhCN | | zhTW | | esES | | esMX | | ruRU | ### word The name part for this entry. ### entry The entry from creature\_template.entry for the creature that you want this part of the name to be generated for. ### half This determines whether this is the first or last half of the name for this entry. - 0 First half - 1 Last half