# phase\_area [Back-to:World](World) # Tables**:** phase\_area ## General PhaseIds added to player by zone/area events.  Each line holds one Zone or Area with one phaseId and a description.  Each line is active by default. With the table [conditions](conditions)you can edit the working range of the phase. ## Structure | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | |--------------|---------|------|-----|---------|-------| | [AreaId][1] | INT | No | PRI | 0 | | | [PhaseId][2] | INT | No | PRI | 0 | | | [Comment][3] | VARCHAR | | | | | [1]: #areaid [2]: #phaseid [3]: #comment ## Description of the fields ### AreaId This is the Zone or Area identifier, see [AreaTrigger.dbc](DBC-AreaTrigger) ### PhaseId This is the connected PhaseId  ### Comment A free description. ### Examples As Demo we look at Kezan, Startarea Goblin. The Player-Character is starting with PhaseId 378 and change on Quest Reward 14109 to Phase 379. So first we set the definition of both phaseIds to table phase\_area | AreaId | PhaseId | Comment | |--------|---------|-----------------| | 4737 | 378 | Kezan startarea | | 4737 | 379 | Kezan startarea | Now we must declare the Quest-Range by using conditions. Note: we starting from start in phase 378, so we need no start-range, only the end range | SourceTypeOrReferenceId | SourceGroup | SourceEntry | ConditionTypeOrReference | ConditionValue1 | NegativeCondition | Comment | |-------------------------|-------------|-------------|--------------------------|-----------------|-------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | 26 | 378 | 4737 | 8 | 14109 | 1 | Kezan Set in Phase 378 from start to -Reward 14109 | Next we declare the following range for phase 379 starting with reward on quest 10109 and end on reward quest 14153 | SourceTypeOrReferenceId | SourceGroup | SourceEntry | ConditionTypeOrReference | ConditionValue1 | NegativeCondition | Comment | |-------------------------|-------------|-------------|--------------------------|-----------------|-------------------|------------------------------------------| | 26 | 379 | 4737 | 8 | 14109 | 0 | Kezan Set in Phase 379 from reward 14109 | | 26 | 379 | 4737 | 8 | 14153 | 1 | Kezan Set in Phase 379 to reward 14153 | And so on.... Note: The quest 14109/14110 14113/14153 are Required Gender Quest.