# quest\_objectives [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) Table: quest\_objectives This table provides answer for a very important question. What do I need to do in order to finish a quest? ## Structure | Field | Type | Attributes | Null | Key | Default | Comment | |------------------------|--------------|------------|------|-----|---------|---------| | [ID][1] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | NO | PRI | 0 | | | [QuestID][2] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | 0 | | | [Type][3] | TINYINT | UNSIGNED | NO | | 0 | | | [StorageIndex][4] | TINYINT | SIGNED | NO | | 0 | | | [ObjectID][5] | INT | SIGNED | NO | | 0 | | | [Amount][6] | INT | SIGNED | NO | | 0 | | | [Flags][7] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | | 0 | | | [Flags2][8] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | | 0 | | | [ProgressBarWeight][9] | FLOAT | | NO | | 0 | | | [Description][10] | text | | YES | | NULL | | | [VerifiedBuild][11] | SMALLINT | SIGNED | NO | | 0 | | [1]: #id [2]: #questid [3]: #type [4]: #storageindex [5]: #objectid [6]: #amount [7]: #flags [8]: #flags2 [9]: #progressbarweight [10]: #description [11]: #verifiedbuild ## Description of the fields ### ID Unique ObjectiveId ### QuestID The Quest Id from quest\_template.id ### Type | Type | ID | ObjectID | |----------------------------------------|----|---------------------------| | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_MONSTER | 0 | creature_template.entry | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_ITEM | 1 | itemID from Item.db2 | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_GAMEOBJECT | 2 | gameobject_template.entry | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_TALKTO | 3 | creature_template.entry | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_CURRENCY | 4 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_LEARNSPELL | 5 | SpellId Spell.db2 | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_MIN_REPUTATION | 6 | Faction | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_MAX_REPUTATION | 7 | Faction | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_MONEY | 8 | Money | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_PLAYERKILLS | 9 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_AREATRIGGER | 10 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_WINPETBATTLEAGAINSTNPC | 11 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_DEFEATBATTLEPET | 12 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_WINPVPPETBATTLES | 13 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_CRITERIA_TREE | 14 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_PROGRESS_BAR | 15 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_HAVE_CURRENCY | 16 | | | QUEST_OBJECTIVE_OBTAIN_CURRENCY | 17 | | ### StorageIndex ### ObjectID See above ### Amount Displays how much players you need to kill before completing the quest. ### Flags This flag field defines more specifically the type of objective it is. | Flag | Name | Description | |------|----------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_NONE | No flags | | 1 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_TRACKED\_ON\_MINIMAP | Client displays large yellow blob on minimap for creature/gameobject | | 2 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_SEQUENCED | Client will not see the objective displayed until all previous objectives are completed | | 4 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_OPTIONAL | Not required to complete the quest | | 8 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_HIDDEN | Never displayed in quest log | | 16 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_HIDE\_ITEM\_GAINS | Skip showing item objective progress | | 32 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_PROGRESS\_COUNTS\_ITEMS\_IN\_INVENTORY | Item objective progress counts items in inventory instead of reading it from updatefields | | 64 | QUEST\_OBJECTIVE\_FLAG\_PART\_OF\_PROGRESS\_BAR | Hidden objective used to calculate progress bar percent (quests are limited to a single progress bar objective) | Like all flag based fields, **QuestObjectiveFlags** can be added for the different types of objective. ### Flags2 ### ProgressBarWeight ### Description ### VerifiedBuild