# quest\_request\_items\_locale **Table: quest\_request\_items\_locale** [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **Structure** | Field | Type | Attribute | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | |---------------------|-------------|-----------|-----|------|---------|-------|---------| | [ID][1] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | | | | | [locale][2] | VARCHAR(4) | | PRI | NO | | | | | [CompletionText][3] | text | | | YES | NULL | | | | [VerifiedBuild][4] | SMALLINT | | | NO | | | | [1]: #id [2]: #locale [3]: #completiontext [4]: #verifiedbuild **Description of the fields** ### ID Is the quest ID, obtained from quest_template ### locale It is the language in which you want to make the translation. You can choose from the following: | ID | Language | |----|----------| | 0 | enUS | | 1 | koKR | | 2 | frFR | | 3 | deDE | | 4 | zhCN | | 5 | zhTW | | 6 | esES | | 7 | esMX | | 8 | ruRU | ### CompletionText It is the text that is shown, while the quest is not completed. ### VerifiedBuild ### Example ```sql DELETE FROM `quest_request_items_locale` WHERE `ID`=2 AND `locale`='esES'; INSERT INTO `quest_request_items_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `CompletionText`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES`ID`, `locale`, `CompletionText`, `VerifiedBuild` (2, "esES", "Sí, $gpoderoso:poderosa; $c, he presentido tu llegada. Confío que tienes más noticias que darme sobre tu caza.", 0); ```