# reputation\_reward\_rate [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`reputation\_reward\_rate\` table** Holds reputation multipliers for specific factions. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | |--------------------|--------------|------------|-----|------|---------|-------|---------| | [faction][1] | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | 0 | | | | [quest_rate][2] | FLOAT | SIGNED | | NO | 1 | | | | [creature_rate][3] | FLOAT | SIGNED | | NO | 1 | | | | [spell_rate][4] | FLOAT | SIGNED | | NO | 1 | | | [1]: #faction [2]: #quest_rate [3]: #creature_rate [4]: #spell_rate **Description of the fields** ### faction The ID of the faction these rates apply to. ### quest\_rate The rate for reputation gain from quests. ### creature\_rate The rate for reputation gain from creatures. ### spell\_rate The rate for reputation gain from spells.