# spawn\_group\_template [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`spawn\_group\_template\` table** This table contains Spawn Group names and flags. **Structure** | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | |----------------|--------------|------------|-----|------|---------|-------|---------| | [roupId][1] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | NULL | | | | [roupName][2] | VARCHAR(100) | | | NO | NULL | | | | [roupFlags][3] | INT | UNSIGNED | | NO | 0 | | | [1]: #roupid [2]: #roupname [3]: #roupflags **Description of the fields** ### groupId This is the Group ID for the group. It must be a unique number. Groups 0-4 are reserved for system tasks. ### groupName This is a descriptive name for the group. ### groupFlags These are the flags that will apply to the group. | Flag | Number | Description | |----------------------------------------|--------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SPAWNGROUP\_FLAG\_NONE | 0x00 | No flags applied | | SPAWNGROUP\_FLAG\_SYSTEM | 0x01 | This group is a system group (applies to standard groups 0-4) | | SPAWNGROUP\_FLAG\_COMPATIBILITY\_MODE | 0x02 | This group will contain legacy objects/creatures that don't work with dynamic spawn changes | | SPAWNGROUP\_FLAG\_MANUAL\_SPAWN | 0x04 | This group will not be spawned by core by default. Scripts can manually spawn/despawn these groups on demand. | | SPAWNGROUP\_FLAG\_DYNAMIC\_SPAWN\_RATE | 0x08 | This group will have dynamic spawn rates applied (by default quest interested creatures/gos and gather nodes use this) | | SPAWNGROUP\_FLAG\_ESCORTQUESTNPC | 0x10 | This group contains Escort quest NPCs. This further enhances Dynamic spawn to begin respawn time at the point a quest is taken and the escort begins |