# spell\_linked\_spell [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) **The \`spell\_linked\_spell\` table** This table provides data for spell linking system, telling it which spells trigger what, and under which conditions. | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment | |--------------------|--------------|------------|-----|------|---------|-------|---------| | [spell_trigger][1] | MEDIUMINT | SIGNED | | NO | | | | | [spell_effect][2] | MEDIUMINT | SIGNED | | NO | | | | | [type][3] | SMALLINT | UNSIGNED | | NO | | | | | [comment][4] | text | | | NO | | | | [1]: #spell_trigger [2]: #spell_effect [3]: #type [4]: #comment **Description of the fields** ### spell\_trigger The spell, which when cast, will trigger the spell listed in [spell\_effect](#spell_linked_spell-spell_effect) ### spell\_ effect The spell that you want to be triggered. How this spell acts is determined by the [type](#spell_linked_spell-type) field. ### type Three values are possible (0,1,2). See below. ### comment Optional comment to explain the link. # **Description of the linking effects** ### type h1. 0 (CAST) **Trigger mode** \***spell\_trigger > 0:** "When *spell\_trigger* is cast..." \***spell\_trigger < 0:** "When the aura due to *spell\_trigger* is removed..." **Effect** \***spell\_effect > 0:** *spell\_effect* is also cast (with triggered flag) on the same targets, on the caster if spell\_trigger has no target. \***spell\_effect < 0:** Auras due to *spell\_effect* are removed. ### type 1 (HIT) **Trigger mode** For this mode *spell\_trigger* must be positive. Effect is executed when *spell\_trigger* hits a target. I suppose that if the *spell\_trigger* hits more than one target, the effect is executed for each target hit. **Effect** \***spell\_effect > 0:** *spell\_effect* is cast (with triggered flag) on the same target. \***spell\_effect < 0:** Auras due to *spell\_effect* are removed. ### type == 2 (AURA) **Trigger mode** For this mode *spell\_trigger* must be positive. Effect is executed when the aura *spell\_trigger* is applied **AND** when it is removed from a target. **Effect** \***spell\_effect > 0 (ADD/REMOVE AURA)** - ON APPLY: Adds aura *spell\_effect* on the same target. - ON REMOVE: Removes aura *spell\_effect*on the same target. \***spell\_effect < 0 (IMMUNITY)** - ON APPLY: Makes the target immune to *spell\_effect*. - ON REMOVE: Clears target immunity to *spell\_effect*.