# waypoints [<-Back-to:World](database-world.md) ###### **Used by [SAI](smart_scripts)** ### Information Contains waypoint data, allowing creatures to move to certain X, Y, and Z coordinates. See also [Waypoints-Information](Waypoints-Information) for general information about waypoints. ### Structure | Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default | |----------------------------------|--------------|------------|-----|------|---------| | [entry](#entry) | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | 0 | | [pointid](#pointid) | MEDIUMINT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | 0 | | [position\_x](#position_x) | FLOAT | | | NO | 0 | | [position\_y](#position_y) | FLOAT | | | NO | 0 | | [position\_z](#position_z) | FLOAT | | | NO | 0 | | [orientation](#orientation) | FLOAT | | | YES | NULL | | [point\_comment](#point_comment) | text | | | YES | NULL | #### entry Path ID. Standard way of assigning an ID is [creature\_template.entry](creature_template#entry) * 100, but any random number can be used here. #### pointid Unique ID for each waypoint. Starts at 1 and increases with each waypoint. #### position\_x The X coordinate of the destination waypoint. #### position\_y The Y coordinate of the destination waypoint. #### position\_z The Z coordinate of the destination waypoint. #### orientation #### point\_comment Text comment. ### Example Rows | entry | pointid | position\_x | position\_y | position\_z | point\_comment | |-------|---------|-------------|-------------|-------------|--------------------------| | 16208 | 1 | 6647.83 | -6344.92 | 9.13345 | Apothecary Enith point 1 | | 16208 | 2 | 6657.92 | -6345.96 | 15.3468 | Apothecary Enith point 2 | Creature with ID 16208 will now have 2 waypoints, first it will move to pointid 1, when it reaches the XYZ position, it will move to pointid 2. The comment helps clarify which creature the ID belongs to.