# WIKI STANDARDS ## FILE NAMING: DATABASE TABLES files are to be named exactly as it is in the database, ALL OTHER FILES are to be named in `lowercase` and to use `-` (dashes) for spaces. FILES SHOULD NOT contain special characters other than `-` (dashes). If we want a file named C++ we name it cpp. ALL WIKI FILES should end with with `.md`. ## FILE ENCODING ALL FILES must be UTF-8 encoded to work on the wiki. ## FILE LANGUAGE TO ENSURE EASY MAINTENANCE, all files must be written in `markdown` format. HTML is not allowed! ## FILE HEADERS THE FILE SHOULD ALWAYS START WITH `# File Name`. (This is to display correct info in the browser tab.) ## DATABASE TABLE FILES: ALL DATABASE TABLE FILES should be present in the correct DATABASE FILE. When adding/removing a table it should also be updated in `database-auth.md` `database-characters.md` `database-world.md` ## LINKING WITHIN THE WIKI When linking to a page in the wiki we use [relative links](https://semify.com/?Relative-Link&AID=1373#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20a%20relative%20link%20would%20only%20include%20/images%20/puppies.gif%20in%20the%20a%20href%20tag.). (`[home](home#overview)`). When linking to a header on the same page in the wiki [relative links](https://semify.com/?Relative-Link&AID=1373#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20a%20relative%20link%20would%20only%20include%20/images%20/puppies.gif%20in%20the%20a%20href%20tag.). (`[withCapitalLetters](#withcapitalletters).` It is important to note that in relative links only lowercase letters are allowed and no special characters. Otherwise, the links will be broken. When linking to a page outside of the wiki we use [absolute links](https://semify.com/?Relative-Link&AID=1373#:~:text=An%20absolute%20link%2C%20on%20the%20other%20hand%2C%20would%20include%20https%3A//%20www.%20example.com/%20image/%20puppies.gif%20in%20it.). (`[Google](https://google.com)`). ## TRANSLATION ALL TRANSLATIONS should be in a sub-directory of /docs/ with the shortened locale of the language. i.e./docs/es/. If there have been no translations prior, you need to allow the directory path in the config. See [this commit on how to do it](https://github.com/azerothcore/wiki/commit/8b897c3384298674e82108357ee5e655f788229f). ALL FILES should be named the **exact same as the English versions**! Do not ever translate the file names, only the contents within. ## ARCHIVED PAGES: (Not yet implemented) ALL ARCHIVED PAGES that could potentially have some some value should be added to the `archive.md` list and links to these pages should be removed from other places in the wiki. They should also be moved into the /docs/archive/ folder.