

This file contains the changelogs of all big API changes.

6.0.0-dev.1 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/de13bf426e162ee10cbd5470cec74122d1d4afa0|de13bf426e162ee10cbd5470cec74122d1d4afa0]]

How to upgrade

- setNull(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setBool(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setUInt8(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setInt8(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setUInt16(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setInt16(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setUInt32(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setUInt64(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setInt64(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setFloat(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setDouble(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setString(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setStringView(...)
+ SetData(...)
- setBinary(...)
+ SetData(...)
- GetBool()
+ Get<bool>()
- GetUInt8()
+ Get<uint8>()
- GetInt8()
+ Get<int8>()
- GetUInt16()
+ Get<uint16>()
- GetInt16()
+ Get<int16>()
- GetUInt32()
+ Get<uint32>()
- GetInt32()
+ Get<int32>()
- GetUInt64()
+ Get<uint64>()
- GetInt64()
+ Get<int64>()
- GetFloat()
+ Get<float>()
- GetDouble()
+ Get<double>()
- GetString()
+ Get<std::string>()
- GetStringView()
+ Get<std::string_view>()
- GetBinary()
+ Get<Binary>()

5.0.0-dev.1 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/8b7df23f064f8c1c41aea222342b53f109c4e3b9|8b7df23f064f8c1c41aea222342b53f109c4e3b9]]

How to upgrade

- time(nullptr)
+ GameTime::GetGameTime().count()
- sWorld->GetGameTime()
+ GameTime::GetGameTime().count()
- World::GetGameTimeMS()
+ GameTime::GetGameTimeMS().count()

5.0.0-dev.0 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/2fd8b00d7bac1f9c9b565916453cf490fb069df0|2fd8b00d7bac1f9c9b565916453cf490fb069df0]]

We suggest that you always use the latest version of our master branch. https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/tree/master

How to upgrade

For server administrators: instructions about how to upgrade existing servers are available here.

Release notes

This PR removes the modelId column from creature table to allow us to move to a dual entry spawn system.

If this causes an issue for in game or custom spawns the following line of SAI can update the modelId.

(#entryorguid,0,0,0,11,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,#modelId,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,“Creature Name - On Spawn - Change Model to #modelId”),

Special thanks to @Shin @Kitzunu @M'Dic for assistance.

4.0.0-dev.13 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/bc82f36f1ff46bb21d32e1cfdaec8271dde08af1|bc82f36f1ff46bb21d32e1cfdaec8271dde08af1]]


// Unit.cpp
    virtual void Talk(std::string_view text, ChatMsg msgType, Language language, float textRange, WorldObject const* target);
    virtual void Say(std::string_view text, Language language, WorldObject const* target = nullptr);
    virtual void Yell(std::string_view text, Language language, WorldObject const* target = nullptr);
    virtual void TextEmote(std::string_view text, WorldObject const* target = nullptr, bool isBossEmote = false);
    virtual void Whisper(std::string_view text, Language language, Player* target, bool isBossWhisper = false);
    virtual void Talk(uint32 textId, ChatMsg msgType, float textRange, WorldObject const* target);
    virtual void Say(uint32 textId, WorldObject const* target = nullptr);
    virtual void Yell(uint32 textId, WorldObject const* target = nullptr);
    virtual void TextEmote(uint32 textId, WorldObject const* target = nullptr, bool isBossEmote = false);
    virtual void Whisper(uint32 textId, Player* target, bool isBossWhisper = false);


// Object.cpp
    void MonsterSay(const char* text, uint32 language, WorldObject const* target);
    void MonsterYell(const char* text, uint32 language, WorldObject const* target);
    void MonsterTextEmote(const char* text, WorldObject const* target, bool IsBossEmote = false);
    void MonsterWhisper(const char* text, Player const* target, bool IsBossWhisper = false);
    void MonsterSay(int32 textId, uint32 language, WorldObject const* target);
    void MonsterYell(int32 textId, uint32 language, WorldObject const* target);
    void MonsterTextEmote(int32 textId, WorldObject const* target, bool IsBossEmote = false);
    void MonsterWhisper(int32 textId, Player const* target, bool IsBossWhisper = false);
    void SendPlaySound(uint32 Sound, bool OnlySelf);

How to upgrade

- creature->MonsterSay(text, LANG_XXX, nullptr);
+ creature->Say(text, LANG_XXX);
- creature->MonsterTextEmote(text, 0);
+ creature->TextEmote(text);
- creature->MonsterWhisper(text, receiver);
+ creature->Whisper(text, LANG_XXX, receiver);
- creature->MonsterYell(text, LANG_XXX, NULL);
+ creature->Yell(text, LANG_XXX);
- creature->MonsterWhisper(text, target, isBossWhisper);
+ creature->Whisper(text, LANG_XXX, target, isBossWhisper);
- SendPlaySound(uint32 Sound, bool OnlySelf);
 PlayDirectSound(uint32 sound_id, Player* target = nullptr);

4.0.0-dev.12 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/bcec4191e43de8a7b57a4219d6baaa7c5e3dfaf1|bcec4191e43de8a7b57a4219d6baaa7c5e3dfaf1]]


4.0.0-dev.11 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/d18545263fda54e19c875d22adfb28ae4072ec01|d18545263fda54e19c875d22adfb28ae4072ec01]]


4.0.0-dev.10 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/0897705a6814fc19007e5f88fbcb98b3689880c9|0897705a6814fc19007e5f88fbcb98b3689880c9]]

How to upgrade

Upgrade your Boost version to 1.74 or higher.

4.0.0-dev.9 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/edfc2a8db48a17bf3e9ace0b36edc819aa0e5e23|edfc2a8db48a17bf3e9ace0b36edc819aa0e5e23]]

Changelog for commit “feature(Core/Spells): Allow to learn all spells for characters on creation



How to upgrade

4.0.0-dev.8 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/edfc2a8db48a17bf3e9ace0b36edc819aa0e5e23|edfc2a8db48a17bf3e9ace0b36edc819aa0e5e23]]

Changelog for commit “fix(Core/Player): Use SkillLineAbility.dbc to determine player initial spells - skill assignment done in a new table ''%%playercreateinfo_skills%%''




How to upgrade

-    uint32    id;                                           // 0        m_ID
-    uint32    skillId;                                      // 1        m_skillLine
-    uint32    spellId;                                      // 2        m_spell
-    uint32    racemask;                                     // 3        m_raceMask
-    uint32    classmask;                                    // 4        m_classMask
-    //uint32    racemaskNot;                                // 5        m_excludeRace
-    //uint32    classmaskNot;                               // 6        m_excludeClass
-    uint32    req_skill_value;                              // 7        m_minSkillLineRank
-    uint32    forward_spellid;                              // 8        m_supercededBySpell
-    uint32    learnOnGetSkill;                              // 9        m_acquireMethod
-    uint32    max_value;                                    // 10       m_trivialSkillLineRankHigh
-    uint32    min_value;                                    // 11       m_trivialSkillLineRankLow
-    //uint32    characterPoints[2];                         // 12-13    m_characterPoints[2]
+    uint32 ID;                                              // 0
+    uint32 SkillLine;                                       // 1
+    uint32 Spell;                                           // 2
+    uint32 RaceMask;                                        // 3
+    uint32 ClassMask;                                       // 4
+    //uint32 ExcludeRace;                                   // 5
+    //uint32 ExcludeClass;                                  // 6
+    uint32 MinSkillLineRank;                                // 7
+    uint32 SupercededBySpell;                               // 8
+    uint32 AcquireMethod;                                   // 9
+    uint32 TrivialSkillLineRankHigh;                        // 10
+    uint32 TrivialSkillLineRankLow;                         // 11
+    //uint32 CharacterPoints[2];                            // 12-13

4.0.0-dev.7 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/59a3912a3b3bd4dd2d8e2b1c2cdd225b9c4d6244|59a3912a3b3bd4dd2d8e2b1c2cdd225b9c4d6244]]


How to upgrade

You also need #include "ScriptedGossip.h" in your cpp files

4.0.0-dev.6 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/59a3912a3b3bd4dd2d8e2b1c2cdd225b9c4d6244|59a3912a3b3bd4dd2d8e2b1c2cdd225b9c4d6244]]


static - Build statically. Default option. for all scripts (As it was before)
dynamic - Build dynamically. After start support Dynamic Linking Library (DLL) can make separated library for each script. Now don't support
minimal-static - builds commands and spells statically
minimal-dynamic - builds commands and spells dynamically. Now don't support
> Module (mod-ah-bot) using deprecated loader api

How to upgrade

1. Rename extension in file to `.cpp`
2. Rename general loading function to `Add(module name with replace all whitespace to '_')Scripts()`.
3. Delete macros `AC_ADD_SCRIPT_LOADER` from `CMakeLists.txt`
 * Copyright (C) 2016+ AzerothCore <www.azerothcore.org>, released under GNU AGPL v3 license: https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/blob/master/LICENSE-AGPL3
// From SC
void AddSC_ServerAutoShutdown();
// Add all scripts
void Addmod_server_auto_shutdownScripts()

4.0.0-dev.5 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/59a3912a3b3bd4dd2d8e2b1c2cdd225b9c4d6244|59a3912a3b3bd4dd2d8e2b1c2cdd225b9c4d6244]]



How to upgrade

- PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_UPD_LOGONPROOF);
+ LoginDatabasePreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_UPD_LOGONPROOF);
- SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction();
+ CharacterDatabaseTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction();

4.0.0-dev.4 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/fbad1f3d6c27a5d3eea22483913c67a827ab01be|fbad1f3d6c27a5d3eea22483913c67a827ab01be]]



How to upgrade

4.0.0-dev.3 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/c35dde6fae732269357b78fb796fba21956b83fc|c35dde6fae732269357b78fb796fba21956b83fc]]

Changelog for commit “refactor(Collision): Update some methods to UpperCamelCase


- getPosition
- getBounds
- getBounds2
- getInstanceMapTree
- getModelInstances
- getPosInfo
- getMeshData
- getGroupModels
- getIntersectionTime
- getObjectHitPos
- getAreaInfo
+ GetPosition
+ GetBounds
+ GetBounds2
+ GetInstanceMapTree
+ GetModelInstances
+ GetPosInfo
+ GetMeshData
+ GetGroupModels
+ GetIntersectionTime
+ GetObjectHitPos
+ GetAreaInfo

How to upgrade

If you are using any of those methods, simply rename it by changing the first letter of the method from lowercase to uppercase.

Example: getAreaInfoGetAreaInfo

4.0.0-dev.2 | Commit: [[https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk/commit/3f70d0b80ff483f142ffbebf8960aeb503913a35|3f70d0b80ff483f142ffbebf8960aeb503913a35]]


How to upgrade

To create a new changelog please follow the instructions on our wiki page