[Database Structure](Database-Structure) > [World-Database](World-Database) > [event_scripts](event_scripts)

<!DOCTYPE markdown> # event\_scripts

### Information

Holds scripts activated whenever an event is activated, be it by an object or as the spell effect SPELL\_EFFECT\_SEND\_EVENT (61).

### Structure

Field Type Attributes Key Null Default
[id](scripts#id) MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NO 0
[delay](scripts#delay) INT UNSIGNED NO 0
[command](scripts#command) MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NO 0
[datalong](scripts#otherfields) MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NO 0
[datalong2](scripts#otherfields) INT UNSIGNED NO 0
[dataint](scripts#otherfields) INT NO 0
[x](scripts#otherfields) FLOAT NO 0
[y](scripts#otherfields) FLOAT NO 0
[z](scripts#otherfields) FLOAT NO 0
[o](scripts#otherfields) FLOAT NO 0