



This DBC contains information on all of the base factions. These factions are unique and represent a faction with which a player can gain reputation.

IMPORTANT: These values are used for ALL tables EXCEPT the creature_template and gameobject_template_addon tables.


Column Field Type Notes
1 ID Integer  
2 reputationIndex Integer Each faction that has gainable rep has a unique number. All factions that you can not gain rep with have -1.
3 reputationRaceMask BitMask <.. Points to another Allied / AtWar ID
4 reputationRaceMask BitMask .. Honor Hold has 1101,690 & Thrallmar 690,1101 for example. ..>
5 reputationRaceMask BitMask Only city factions have a value. Possible relationship to Modifiers and 17 (1 = Stormwind; 2 = Orgrimmar; 4 = Wildhammer Clan & Iron Forge; 8 = Darnassus; 16 = Undercity; 64 = Gnomeregan Exiles; 512 = Shattrath City Factions & Silvermoon City; 528 = Thunder Bluff & Darkspear Trolls; 1024 = Exodar)
6 reputationRaceMask BitMask Only Horde cities have a value. Possible relationship to Modifiers and 18 (16 = Silvermoon City; 32 = Thunder Bluff; 128 = Darkspear Trolls; 512 = Undercity; 528 = Orgrimmar)
7 reputationClassMask BitMask (479 = Cenerion Circle; 1503 = Lower City, “Friendly, Hidden”, Netherwing; Shatari Skyguards)
8 reputationClassMask BitMask (1024 = Cenerion Circle;)
9 reputationClassMask BitMask Never set pre 3.* but 0x80 on “Kirin Tor”
10 reputationClassMask BitMask Never set pre 3.* but 0x80 on “Kirin Tor”
11 reputationBase Integer[4] Based on 0 = Neutral
15 reputationFlags Integer[4]  
19 parentFactionID iRefID Recursive. i.e. Undercity lists ID 67, which is Horde
20 parentFactionMod Float[2]  
22 parentFactionCap Integer[2]  
24 Name Loc Display name of the faction
41 Description Loc Seen in the reputation-GUI on click.


   FACTION_FLAG_NONE             = 0x00, // no faction flag
   FACTION_FLAG_VISIBLE          = 0x01, // makes visible in client (set or can be set at interaction with target of this faction)
   FACTION_FLAG_AT_WAR           = 0x02, // enable AtWar-button in client. player controlled (except opposition team always war state), Flag only set on initial creation
   FACTION_FLAG_HIDDEN           = 0x04, // hidden faction from reputation pane in client (player can gain reputation, but this update not sent to client)
   FACTION_FLAG_INVISIBLE_FORCED = 0x08, // always overwrite FACTION_FLAG_VISIBLE and hide faction in rep.list, used for hide opposite team factions
   FACTION_FLAG_PEACE_FORCED     = 0x10, // always overwrite FACTION_FLAG_AT_WAR, used for prevent war with own team factions
   FACTION_FLAG_INACTIVE         = 0x20, // player controlled, state stored in characters.data (CMSG_SET_FACTION_INACTIVE)
   FACTION_FLAG_RIVAL            = 0x40, // flag for the two competing outland factions
   FACTION_FLAG_SPECIAL          = 0x80 // horde and alliance home cities and their northrend allies have this flag


ID Reputation ID Name
1 -1 PLAYER, Human
2 -1 PLAYER, Orc
3 -1 PLAYER, Dwarf
4 -1 PLAYER, Night Elf
5 -1 PLAYER, Undead
6 -1 PLAYER, Tauren
7 -1 Creature
8 -1 PLAYER, Gnome
9 -1 PLAYER, Troll
14 -1 Monster
15 -1 Defias Brotherhood
16 -1 Gnoll - Riverpaw
17 -1 Gnoll - Redridge
18 -1 Gnoll - Shadowhide
19 -1 Murloc
20 -1 Undead, Scourge
21 1 Booty Bay
22 -1 Beast - Spider
23 -1 Beast - Boar
24 -1 Worgen
25 -1 Kobold
26 -1 Troll, Bloodscalp
27 -1 Troll, Skullsplitter
28 -1 Prey
29 -1 Beast - Wolf
30 -1 Defias Brotherhood Traitor
31 -1 Friendly
32 -1 Trogg
33 -1 Troll, Frostmane
34 -1 Orc, Blackrock
35 -1 Villian
36 -1 Victim
37 -1 Beast - Bear
38 -1 Ogre
39 -1 Kurzen's Mercenaries
40 -1 Escortee
41 -1 Venture Company
42 -1 Beast - Raptor
43 -1 Basilisk
44 -1 Dragonflight, Green
45 -1 Lost Ones
46 29 Blacksmithing - Armorsmithing
47 20 Ironforge
48 -1 Dark Iron Dwarves
49 -1 Human, Night Watch
50 -1 Dragonflight, Red
51 -1 Gnoll - Mosshide
52 -1 Orc, Dragonmaw
53 -1 Gnome - Leper
54 18 Gnomeregan Exiles
55 -1 Leopard
56 -1 Scarlet Crusade
57 -1 Gnoll - Rothide
58 -1 Beast - Gorilla
59 4 Thorium Brotherhood
60 -1 Naga
61 -1 Dalaran
62 -1 Forlorn Spirit
63 -1 Darkhowl
64 -1 Grell
65 -1 Furbolg
66 -1 Horde Generic
67 12 Horde
68 17 Undercity
69 21 Darnassus
70 6 Syndicate
71 -1 Hillsbrad Militia
72 19 Stormwind
73 -1 Demon
74 -1 Elemental
75 -1 Spirit
76 14 Orgrimmar
77 -1 Treasure
78 -1 Gnoll - Mudsnout
79 -1 HIllsbrad, Southshore Mayor
80 -1 Dragonflight, Black
81 16 Thunder Bluff
82 -1 Troll, Witherbark
83 23 Leatherworking - Elemental
84 -1 Quilboar, Razormane
85 -1 Quilboar, Bristleback
86 22 Leatherworking - Dragonscale
87 0 Bloodsail Buccaneers
88 -1 Blackfathom
89 -1 Makrura
90 -1 Centaur, Kolkar
91 -1 Centaur, Galak
92 2 Gelkis Clan Centaur
93 3 Magram Clan Centaur
94 -1 Maraudine
108 -1 Theramore
109 -1 Quilboar, Razorfen
110 -1 Quilboar, Razormane 2
111 -1 Quilboar, Deathshead
128 -1 Enemy
148 -1 Ambient
168 -1 Nethergarde Caravan
169 10 Steamwheedle Cartel
189 -1 Alliance Generic
209 -1 Nethergarde
229 -1 Wailing Caverns
249 -1 Silithid
269 -1 Silvermoon Remnant
270 51 Zandalar Tribe
289 30 Blacksmithing - Weaponsmithing
309 -1 Scorpid
310 -1 Beast - Bat
311 -1 Titan
329 -1 Taskmaster Fizzule
349 5 Ravenholdt
369 7 Gadgetzan
389 -1 Gnomeregan Bug
409 -1 Harpy
429 -1 Burning Blade
449 -1 Shadowsilk Poacher
450 -1 Searing Spider
469 11 Alliance
470 9 Ratchet
471 8 Wildhammer Clan
489 -1 Goblin, Dark Iron Bar Patron
509 53 The League of Arathor
510 52 The Defilers
511 -1 Giant
529 13 Argent Dawn
530 15 Darkspear Trolls
531 -1 Dragonflight, Bronze
532 -1 Dragonflight, Blue
549 24 Leatherworking - Tribal
550 26 Engineering - Goblin
551 25 Engineering - Gnome
569 33 Blacksmithing - Hammersmithing
570 31 Blacksmithing - Axesmithing
571 32 Blacksmithing - Swordsmithing
572 -1 Troll, Vilebranch
573 -1 Southsea Freebooters
574 34 Caer Darrow
575 -1 Furbolg, Uncorrupted
576 35 Timbermaw Hold
577 28 Everlook
589 27 Wintersaber Trainers
609 36 Cenarion Circle
629 -1 Shatterspear Trolls
630 -1 Ravasaur Trainers
649 -1 Majordomo Executus
669 -1 Beast - Carrion Bird
670 -1 Beast - Cat
671 -1 Beast - Crab
672 -1 Beast - Crocilisk
673 -1 Beast - Hyena
674 -1 Beast - Owl
675 -1 Beast - Scorpid
676 -1 Beast - Tallstrider
677 -1 Beast - Turtle
678 -1 Beast - Wind Serpent
679 -1 Training Dummy
689 -1 Dragonflight, Black - Bait
709 -1 Battleground Neutral
729 41 Frostwolf Clan
730 40 Stormpike Guard
749 42 Hydraxian Waterlords
750 -1 Sulfuron Firelords
769 -1 Gizlock's Dummy
770 -1 Gizlock's Charm
771 -1 Gizlock
789 -1 Moro'gai
790 -1 Spirit Guide - Alliance
809 44 Shen'dralar
829 -1 Ogre (Captain Kromcrush)
849 -1 Spirit Guide - Horde
869 -1 Jaedenar
889 46 Warsong Outriders
890 45 Silverwing Sentinels
891 47 Alliance Forces
892 48 Horde Forces
893 -1 Revantusk Trolls
909 50 Darkmoon Faire
910 54 Brood of Nozdormu
911 55 Silvermoon City
912 -1 Might of Kalimdor
914 -1 PLAYER, Blood Elf
915 -1 Armies of C'Thun
916 -1 Silithid Attackers
917 -1 The Ironforge Brigade
918 -1 RC Enemies
919 -1 RC Objects
920 -1 Red
921 -1 Blue
922 56 Tranquillien
923 -1 Farstriders
925 -1 Sunstriders
926 -1 Magister's Guild
927 -1 PLAYER, Draenei
928 -1 Scourge Invaders
929 -1 Bloodmaul Clan
930 49 Exodar
931 -1 Test Faction (not a real faction)
932 58 The Aldor
933 60 The Consortium
934 62 The Scryers
935 39 The Sha'tar
936 59 Shattrath City
937 -1 Troll, Forest
938 -1 The Omenai
940 -1 The Sons of Lothar
941 61 The Mag'har
942 64 Cenarion Expedition
943 -1 Fel Orc
944 -1 Fel Orc Ghost
945 -1 Sons of Lothar Ghosts
946 38 Honor Hold
947 37 Thrallmar
948 86 Test Faction 2
949 85 Test Faction 1
950 -1 ToWoW - Flag
951 -1 ToWoW - Flag Trigger Alliance (DND)
952 87 Test Faction 3
953 -1 Test Faction 4
954 -1 ToWoW - Flag Trigger Horde (DND)
955 -1 Broken
956 -1 Ethereum
957 -1 Earth Elemental
958 -1 Fighting Robots
959 -1 Actor Good
960 -1 Actor Evil
961 -1 Stillpine Furbolg
962 -1 Crazed Owlkin
963 -1 Chess Alliance
964 -1 Chess Horde
965 -1 Monster Spar
966 -1 Monster Spar Buddy
967 63 The Violet Eye
968 -1 Sunhawks
969 -1 Hand of Argus
970 65 Sporeggar
971 -1 Fungal Giant
972 -1 Spore Bat
973 -1 Monster, Predator
974 -1 Monster, Prey
975 -1 Void Anomaly
976 -1 Hyjal Defenders
977 -1 Hyjal Invaders
978 66 Kurenai
979 -1 Earthen Ring
980 43 The Burning Crusade
981 -1 Arakkoa
982 -1 Zangarmarsh Banner (Alliance)
983 -1 Zangarmarsh Banner (Horde)
984 -1 Zangarmarsh Banner (Neutral)
985 -1 Caverns of Time - Thrall
986 -1 Caverns of Time - Durnholde
987 -1 Caverns of Time - Southshore Guards
988 -1 Shadow Council Covert
989 67 Keepers of Time
990 57 The Scale of the Sands
991 -1 Dark Portal Defender, Alliance
992 -1 Dark Portal Defender, Horde
993 -1 Dark Portal Attacker, Legion
994 -1 Inciter Trigger
995 -1 Inciter Trigger 2
996 -1 Inciter Trigger 3
997 -1 Inciter Trigger 4
998 -1 Inciter Trigger 5
999 -1 Mana Creature
1000 -1 Khadgar's Servant
1001 -1 Bladespire Clan
1002 -1 Ethereum Sparbuddy
1003 -1 Protectorate
1004 -1 Arcane Annihilator (DNR)
1005 68 Friendly, Hidden
1006 -1 Kirin'Var - Dathric
1007 -1 Kirin'Var - Belmara
1008 -1 Kirin'Var - Luminrath
1009 -1 Kirin'Var - Cohlien
1010 -1 Servant of Illidan
1011 69 Lower City
1012 70 Ashtongue Deathsworn
1013 -1 Spirits of Shadowmoon 1
1014 -1 Spirits of Shadowmoon 2
1015 71 Netherwing
1016 -1 Wyrmcult
1017 -1 Treant
1018 -1 Leotheras Demon I
1019 -1 Leotheras Demon II
1020 -1 Leotheras Demon III
1021 -1 Leotheras Demon IV
1022 -1 Leotheras Demon V
1023 -1 Azaloth
1024 -1 Rock Flayer
1025 -1 Flayer Hunter
1026 -1 Shadowmoon Shade
1027 -1 Legion Communicator
1028 -1 Ravenswood Ancients
1029 -1 Chess, Friendly to All Chess
1030 -1 Black Temple Gates - Illidari
1031 72 Sha'tari Skyguard
1032 -1 Area 52
1033 -1 Maiev
1034 -1 Skettis Shadowy Arakkoa
1035 -1 Skettis Arakkoa
1036 -1 Dragonmaw Enemy
1037 88 Alliance Vanguard
1038 73 Ogri'la
1039 -1 Ravager
1040 -1 REUSE
1041 -1 Frenzy
1042 -1 Skyguard Enemy
1043 -1 Skunk, Petunia
1044 -1 Theramore Deserter
1045 -1 Vrykul
1046 -1 Northsea Pirates
1047 -1 Tuskarr
1048 -1 UNUSED
1049 -1 Troll, Amani
1050 74 Valiance Expedition
1051 -1 UNUSED
1052 75 Horde Expedition
1053 -1 Westguard
1054 -1 Spotted Gryphon
1055 -1 Tamed Plaguehound
1056 -1 Vrykul (Ancient Spirit 1)
1057 -1 Vrykul (Ancient Siprit 2)
1058 -1 Vrykul (Ancient Siprit 3)
1059 -1 CTF - Flag - Alliance
1060 -1 Test
1061 -1 vrykul
1062 -1 Vrykul Gladiator
1063 -1 Valgarde Combatant
1064 76 The Taunka
1065 -1 Monster, Zone Force Reaction 1
1066 -1 Monster, Zone Force Reaction 2
1067 77 The Hand of Vengeance
1068 78 Explorers' League
1069 -1 Ram Racing Powerup DND
1070 -1 Ram Racing Trap DND
1071 -1 Craig's Squirrels
1072 -1 REUSE
1073 79 The Kalu'ak
1074 -1 Holiday - Water Barrel
1075 -1 Holiday - Generic
1076 -1 Iron Dwarves
1077 80 Shattered Sun Offensive
1078 -1 Fighting Vanity Pet
1079 -1 Murloc, Winterfin
1080 -1 Friendly, Force Reaction
1081 -1 Object, Force Reaction
1082 82 REUSE
1083 -1 REUSE
1084 -1 Vrykul, Sea
1085 81 Warsong Offensive
1086 -1 Poacher
1087 -1 Holiday Monster
1088 -1 Furbolg, Redfang
1089 -1 Furbolg, Frostpaw
1090 84 Kirin Tor
1091 83 The Wyrmrest Accord
1092 -1 Azjol-Nerub
1093 -1 REUSE
1094 90 The Silver Covenant
1095 -1 Grizzly Hills Trapper
1096 -1 REUSE
1097 89 Wrath of the Lich King
1098 91 Knights of the Ebon Blade
1099 -1 Wrathgate Scourge
1100 -1 Wrathgate Alliance
1101 -1 Wrathgate Horde
1102 -1 CTF - Flag - Horde
1103 -1 CTF - Flag - Neutral
1104 92 Frenzyheart Tribe
1105 93 The Oracles
1106 94 Argent Crusade
1107 -1 Troll, Drakkari
1108 -1 CoT Arthas
1109 -1 CoT Stratholme Citizen
1110 -1 CoT Scourge
1111 -1 Freya
1112 -1 Mount - Taxi - Alliance
1113 -1 Mount - Taxi - Horde
1114 -1 Mount - Taxi - Neutral
1115 -1 Elemental, Water
1116 -1 Elemental, Air
1117 95 Sholazar Basin
1118 96 Classic
1119 97 The Sons of Hodir
1120 -1 Iron Giants
1121 -1 Frost Vrykul
1122 -1 Earthen
1123 -1 Monster Referee
1124 98 The Sunreavers
1125 -1 Hyldsmeet
1126 99 The Frostborn
1127 -1 Orgrimmar (Alex Test)
1136 100 Tranquillien Conversion
1137 101 Wintersaber Conversion
1145 -1 Hates Everything
1154 102 Silver Covenant Conversion
1155 103 Sunreavers Conversion
1156 104 The Ashen Verdict
1159 -1 CTF - Flag - Alliance 2
1160 -1 CTF - Flag - Horde 2