



This DBC contains information on all of the individual factions. A faction entry from this DBC contains all of the needed data to calculate hostility, friendliness, or neutrality to any other faction in this DBC.

IMPORTANT: These values are only used for the creature_template and gameobject_template tables.


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
2 Name (Ref to Faction.dbc) Int
4 ourMask Bitmask (4 bits)
5 friendlyMask Bitmask (4 bits)
6 hostileMask Bitmask (4 bits)
7-10 enemyFactions Int
11-14 friendFactions Int

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**Explanations & Calculations**

Each different entry has different relations towards any other faction.

The easiest calculation when calculating hostility or friendliness is to look at the Friend factions and Enemy factions columns in the table below. If our faction has the other faction's ID in the Enemy factions list, then it is hostile to that faction (at least). The same thing applies for a friendliness check on the Friend factions column.

If our faction doesn't have the other faction's ID in the enemy or friend faction list, then we'll have to get more complicated in calculating hostility or friendliness.

First, let's define the four faction groups:

ID Bit Name
0 1 All players (and pets)
1 2 Alliance players (and their pets)
2 4 Horde players (and their pets)
3 8 Monster (Not a player nor a pet)

The first mask (ourMask) defines what type of faction we are dealing with. Eg, faction 1 (PLAYER, Human) has 3 as ourMask; that means that it has the first two bits set so it classifies as both 'All players' and 'Alliance players'.

The second mask (friendlyMask) defines what faction groups this faction is friendly with. That means that if this field contains the bit for a faction group, then it is friendly with that faction. Eg, faction 5 (PLAYER, Undead) has 4 as friendlyMask; that means that it has the third bit set so it is friendly with 'Horde players'.

The third mask (hostileMask) defines what faction groups this faction is hostile with. This faction will be hostile to any faction group whose bit is set in this field. For example, let's examine the first two Stormwind factions. The first one (faction 11) has hostileMask 12. The binary representation of this is 1100, with the third and fourth bits set. The second Stormwind faction (faction 12) has hostileMask 4. The binary representation of this is 0100, with the third bit set. Applying the formulas to these two values, we can see that faction 11 is hostile to Horde players and also anything that is not a player while faction 12 is only hostile to Horde players. Faction 12 will not aggro any creature that is part of the monster faction group.

For the mathematically inclined, the basic formula to test for friendliness is

(friendlyMask & other.ourMask) != 0 

…where other is another faction. The same thing applies for hostility:

(hostileMask & other.ourMask) != 0

For the not so mathematically inclined, we'll have to compare two binary numbers.  First, you will need to convert all of the masks to binary form with four digits; so 1 becomes 0001, 2 becomes 0010, 3 becomes 0011, etc.

Second, line up the friendlyMask or hostileMask value with the ourMask value. For example:

     1100 //hostileMask of faction 11
     1000 //ourMask of faction 14

Next, perform a logical 'AND' on the two numbers, the bottom one with the one on top and follow these rules:


Finally, check the result that you get with the value 0. Only 0000 will equal 0, anything else will not equal 0. If the result 'does not' equal 0, then the faction is hostile/friendly to the other faction. In our example, it is obvious that we do not have 0 (we have 8 in fact if you convert to base 10 again), so faction 11 is hostile to faction 14 and will aggro it.

From all of the above calculations, we notice that if ourMask for a faction is 0 (that means 0000), it will be neutral to everything (not necessarily friendly). If the friendlyMask for a faction is 0, then it will never be friendly to anything or anyone (unless it has other faction IDs in the Friend factions column in the table below). Finally, if the hostileMask for a faction is 0, it will never be hostile to anything or anyone (again there may be exceptions in the Enemy factions column in the table below).

To summarize, you should follow these steps to calculate if faction A is hostile to faction B:

  1. Look for faction B in the Enemy faction list of faction A in the table below
    • If found, then faction A is hostile to faction B and you can stop
    • If not found, then continue with the next steps
  2. Look up hostileMask for faction A in table below
  3. Look up ourMask for faction B in table below
  4. Do the and (&) operation on the two values
    • If the result is 0, then faction A is not hostile to faction B (but not necessarily friendly either)
    • If the result is not 0, then faction A IS hostile to faction B

And these steps to calculate if faction A is friendly to faction B:

  1. Look for faction B in the Friend faction list of faction A in the table below
    • If found, then faction A is friendly to faction B and you can stop
    • If not found, then continue with the next steps
  2. Look up friendlyMask for faction A in table below
  3. Look up ourMask for faction B in table below
  4. Do the and (&) operation on the two values
    • If the result is 0, then faction A is not friendly to faction B (but not necessarily hostile either)
    • If the result is not 0, then faction A IS friendly to faction B

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Version is : 3.3.5a

ID Name ourMask friendlyMask hostileMask Enemy Factions Friend Factions
1 PLAYER, Human 3 2 12
2 PLAYER, Orc 5 4 10
3 PLAYER, Dwarf 3 2 12
4 PLAYER, Night Elf 3 2 12
5 PLAYER, Undead 5 4 10
6 PLAYER, Tauren 5 4 10
7 Creature 0 0 0
10 Escortee 3 2 0
11 Stormwind 3 2 12
12 Stormwind 2 2 4 72
14 Monster 8 0 1
15 Creature 0 0 0 7
16 Monster 8 0 1 14
17 Defias Brotherhood 8 0 1 15
18 Murloc 8 0 1 19
19 Gnoll - Redridge 8 0 1 17
20 Gnoll - Riverpaw 8 0 1 16
21 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 20
22 Beast - Spider 8 0 1 22
23 Gnomeregan Exiles 2 2 4
24 Worgen 8 0 1 24
25 Kobold 8 0 0 25
26 Kobold 8 0 1 25
27 Defias Brotherhood 8 0 1 1 15
28 Troll, Bloodscalp 8 0 1 26
29 Orgrimmar 4 4 2
30 Troll, Skullsplitter 8 0 1 27
31 Prey 0 0 0 973 148 28
32 Beast - Wolf 0 0 0 28
33 Escortee 5 4 0
34 Defias Brotherhood 8 0 0 15
35 Friendly 0 1 0 31
36 Trogg 0 0 0 32
37 Troll, Frostmane 8 0 1 33
38 Beast - Wolf 8 0 1 28 29
39 Gnoll - Shadowhide 8 0 1 18
40 Orc, Blackrock 8 0 1 34
41 Villian 8 0 1 36 35
42 Victim 1 1 0 36
43 Villian 8 0 0 36 35
44 Beast - Bear 8 0 1 37
45 Ogre 8 0 1 38
46 Kurzen's Mercenaries 8 0 1 39
47 Venture Company 8 0 1 41
48 Beast - Raptor 8 0 1 42
49 Basilisk 8 0 1 43
50 Dragonflight, Green 8 0 1 44
51 Lost Ones 8 0 1 46 40 45
52 Gizlock's Dummy 8 0 0 770
53 Human, Night Watch 2 2 12 49
54 Dark Iron Dwarves 8 0 1 48
55 Ironforge 2 2 4 47
56 Human, Night Watch 2 2 12 49
57 Ironforge 3 2 12
58 Creature 8 0 0
59 Trogg 8 0 1 32
60 Dragonflight, Red 8 0 1 50
61 Gnoll - Mosshide 8 0 1 51
62 Orc, Dragonmaw 8 0 1 1015 932 934 52
63 Gnome - Leper 8 0 1 53
64 Gnomeregan Exiles 2 2 4
65 Orgrimmar 0 0 0 45 76
66 Leopard 8 0 1 28 55
67 Scarlet Crusade 8 0 1 56
68 Undercity 4 4 2
69 Ratchet 0 0 0 470
70 Gnoll - Rothide 8 0 1 57
71 Undercity 5 4 10
72 Beast - Gorilla 8 0 1 58
73 Beast - Carrion Bird 8 0 1 669
74 Naga 8 0 1 289 60
76 Dalaran 0 2 4 61
77 Forlorn Spirit 8 0 0
78 Darkhowl 8 0 1
79 Darnassus 3 2 12
80 Darnassus 2 2 4 69
81 Grell 8 0 1 64
82 Furbolg 8 0 1 65
83 Horde Generic 4 4 2
84 Alliance Generic 2 2 4
85 Orgrimmar 5 4 10
86 Gizlock's Charm 0 1 0 769 771
87 Syndicate 8 0 1 70
88 Hillsbrad Militia 2 2 4 71
89 Scarlet Crusade 8 0 1 20 56
90 Demon 8 0 1 73
91 Elemental 8 0 1 74
92 Spirit 8 0 1
93 Monster 8 0 1
94 Treasure 0 8 0
95 Gnoll - Mudsnout 8 0 1 78
96 HIllsbrad, Southshore Mayor 2 2 0
97 Syndicate 8 0 0 79 70
98 Undercity 4 4 10
99 Victim 8 0 0
100 Treasure 0 0 9
101 Treasure 0 8 4
102 Treasure 0 8 2
103 Dragonflight, Black 8 0 1 689 80
104 Thunder Bluff 4 4 2
105 Thunder Bluff 5 4 10
106 Horde Generic 4 4 10
107 Troll, Frostmane 8 0 1
108 Syndicate 0 0 0 79 70
109 Quilboar, Razormane 2 8 0 1 110 111
110 Quilboar, Razormane 2 8 0 1 85 110
111 Quilboar, Bristleback 8 0 1 85 111
112 Quilboar, Bristleback 8 0 1 110 85 111
113 Escortee 1 1 0
114 Treasure 0 0 1
115 PLAYER, Gnome 3 2 12
116 PLAYER, Troll 5 4 10
118 Undercity 4 4 2
119 Bloodsail Buccaneers 8 0 1 87
120 Booty Bay 0 0 0 21
121 Booty Bay 1 0 8 21
122 Ironforge 2 2 4
123 Stormwind 2 2 4
124 Darnassus 2 2 4
125 Orgrimmar 4 4 2
126 Darkspear Trolls 4 4 2
127 Villian 0 0 1
128 Blackfathom 8 0 1 88
129 Makrura 8 0 1 89
130 Centaur, Kolkar 8 0 1 90
131 Centaur, Galak 8 0 1 91
132 Gelkis Clan Centaur 8 0 1 92
133 Magram Clan Centaur 8 0 1 93
134 Maraudine 8 0 1 94
148 Monster 8 0 1
149 Theramore 2 2 0
150 Theramore 3 2 12
151 Theramore 2 0 4
152 Quilboar, Razorfen 8 0 1 109 111
153 Quilboar, Razorfen 8 0 0 109 111
154 Quilboar, Deathshead 8 0 1 109 85 111 110
168 Enemy 0 0 1
188 Ambient 0 0 0 148 28
189 Creature 0 0 0
190 Ambient 0 0 0
208 Nethergarde Caravan 2 2 0 168
209 Nethergarde Caravan 2 2 0 168
210 Alliance Generic 2 2 12 189
230 Southsea Freebooters 8 0 1 573
231 Escortee 3 2 8
232 Escortee 5 4 8
233 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 68 20
250 Escortee 1 1 8
270 Wailing Caverns 8 0 1 229
290 Escortee 1 1 0
310 Silithid 8 0 1 249
311 Silithid 8 0 0 249
312 Beast - Spider 8 0 1 22
330 Wailing Caverns 8 0 0 229
350 Blackfathom 8 0 0 88
370 Armies of C'Thun 8 8 1 912 915
371 Silvermoon Remnant 2 2 4 269
390 Booty Bay 0 0 0 60 21
410 Basilisk 8 0 1 43
411 Beast - Bat 8 0 1 310
412 The Defilers 4 4 2 509 510
413 Scorpid 8 0 1 309
414 Timbermaw Hold 8 0 1 65 576
415 Titan 8 0 1 311
416 Titan 8 0 0
430 Taskmaster Fizzule 0 0 0
450 Wailing Caverns 8 0 1 40 229
470 Titan 8 0 1
471 Ravenholdt 0 0 0 349
472 Syndicate 8 0 1 349 70
473 Ravenholdt 0 0 0 70 349
474 Gadgetzan 0 0 0 369
475 Gadgetzan 1 0 8 369
494 Gnomeregan Bug 8 0 1 53 389
495 Escortee 1 1 8 40
514 Harpy 8 0 1 409
534 Alliance Generic 2 2 0
554 Burning Blade 8 0 7 429
574 Shadowsilk Poacher 8 0 1 450 449
575 Searing Spider 8 0 1 450
594 Trogg 8 0 0
614 Victim 0 1 0 36
634 Monster 8 0 0
635 Cenarion Circle 0 0 0 609
636 Timbermaw Hold 8 0 1 65 576
637 Ratchet 1 0 8 470
654 Troll, Witherbark 8 0 1 82
655 Centaur, Kolkar 8 0 5 90
674 Dark Iron Dwarves 0 0 0 48
694 Alliance Generic 2 2 4 189
695 Hydraxian Waterlords 0 0 0 749
714 Horde Generic 4 4 0
734 Dark Iron Dwarves 1 1 0 48
735 Goblin, Dark Iron Bar Patron 1 1 0 489
736 Goblin, Dark Iron Bar Patron 8 0 1 489
754 Dark Iron Dwarves 8 0 1 34 48
774 Escortee 3 2 0
775 Escortee 5 4 0
776 Brood of Nozdormu 0 0 0 249 80 910 531
777 Might of Kalimdor 1 1 0 915 912
778 Giant 8 0 1 511
794 Argent Dawn 1 0 0 529
795 Troll, Vilebranch 8 0 1 572
814 Argent Dawn 1 0 0 529
834 Elemental 8 0 1 74
854 Everlook 1 0 8 577
855 Everlook 0 0 0 577
874 Wintersaber Trainers 2 2 4
875 Gnomeregan Exiles 2 2 4
876 Darkspear Trolls 4 4 2
877 Darkspear Trolls 5 4 10
894 Theramore 2 2 4 108
914 Training Dummy 0 0 0
934 Furbolg, Uncorrupted 8 0 1 575
954 Demon 8 0 1 73
974 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 20
994 Cenarion Circle 0 0 0 609
995 Thunder Bluff 4 4 2
996 Cenarion Circle 1 0 8 249 609
1014 Shatterspear Trolls 0 0 0 629
1015 Shatterspear Trolls 0 0 0 629
1034 Horde Generic 4 0 2
1054 Alliance Generic 3 2 12 189
1055 Alliance Generic 2 2 4 189
1074 Orgrimmar 4 4 2
1075 Theramore 2 2 4 108
1076 Darnassus 2 2 4 69
1077 Theramore 2 2 4 108
1078 Stormwind 2 2 4 72
1080 Friendly 0 1 0 74 31 649
1081 Elemental 8 0 1 649 74
1094 Beast - Boar 0 0 0
1095 Training Dummy 0 0 0
1096 Theramore 3 2 12 679
1097 Darnassus 2 2 4
1114 Dragonflight, Black - Bait 8 0 1 80 689
1134 Undercity 5 4 10 679
1154 Undercity 5 4 10 679
1174 Orgrimmar 4 4 2
1194 Battleground Neutral 0 0 0
1214 Frostwolf Clan 5 4 10 730 729
1215 Frostwolf Clan 4 4 2 730 729
1216 Stormpike Guard 3 2 12 729 730
1217 Stormpike Guard 2 2 4 729 730
1234 Sulfuron Firelords 8 0 1 749 750
1235 Sulfuron Firelords 8 0 1 749 750
1236 Sulfuron Firelords 8 0 1 749 750
1254 Cenarion Circle 1 0 8 609
1274 Creature 0 0 4
1275 Creature 0 0 2
1294 Gizlock 8 0 1 770
1314 Horde Generic 4 4 2
1315 Alliance Generic 2 2 4
1334 Stormpike Guard 2 2 4 729 730
1335 Frostwolf Clan 4 4 2 730 729
1354 Shen'dralar 0 0 0 809
1355 Shen'dralar 0 0 0 809
1374 Ogre (Captain Kromcrush) 8 0 1 38
1375 Treasure 0 0 9
1394 Dragonflight, Black 8 0 1 689 47 80
1395 Silithid Attackers 8 0 1 916
1414 Spirit Guide - Alliance 0 0 4
1415 Spirit Guide - Horde 0 0 2
1434 Jaedenar 8 0 1 869
1454 Victim 0 1 0 35 36
1474 Thorium Brotherhood 0 0 0 59
1475 Thorium Brotherhood 0 0 0 59
1494 Horde Generic 4 4 2 66
1495 Horde Generic 5 4 10 66
1496 Horde Generic 4 4 2 66
1514 Silverwing Sentinels 2 2 4
1515 Warsong Outriders 4 4 2
1534 Stormpike Guard 2 2 4 729 730
1554 Frostwolf Clan 5 4 8
1555 Darkmoon Faire 0 0 0 909
1574 Zandalar Tribe 0 0 0 270
1575 Stormwind 3 2 12
1576 Silvermoon Remnant 2 2 4 269
1577 The League of Arathor 2 2 4 510 509
1594 Darnassus 3 2 12
1595 Orgrimmar 5 4 10
1596 Stormpike Guard 3 2 12 729 730
1597 Frostwolf Clan 5 4 10 730 729
1598 The Defilers 4 4 2 509 510
1599 The League of Arathor 2 2 4 510 509
1600 Darnassus 2 2 8
1601 Brood of Nozdormu 0 0 0 249 80 910 531
1602 Silvermoon City 4 4 2
1603 Silvermoon City 5 4 10
1604 Silvermoon City 4 4 2
1605 Dragonflight, Bronze 0 0 1 531
1606 Creature 0 4 2 7
1607 Creature 0 4 2 7
1608 Cenarion Circle 1 0 8 249 609
1610 PLAYER, Blood Elf 5 4 10
1611 Ironforge 3 2 4 916
1612 Orgrimmar 5 4 2 916
1613 Might of Kalimdor 1 1 0 915 912
1614 Monster 8 0 1 14
1615 Steamwheedle Cartel 1 0 8 21 577 369
1616 RC Objects 0 15 0 918 919
1617 RC Enemies 0 0 1 919 918
1618 Ironforge 2 2 12
1619 Orgrimmar 4 4 10
1620 Enemy 0 0 15
1621 Blue 2 0 4 920
1622 Red 2 0 4 921
1623 Tranquillien 4 4 2
1624 Argent Dawn 1 0 8 529
1625 Argent Dawn 1 0 8 529
1626 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 679 20
1627 Farstriders 4 4 2
1628 Tranquillien 4 4 2
1629 PLAYER, Draenei 3 2 12
1630 Scourge Invaders 8 0 7 14 148 928 20
1634 Scourge Invaders 8 0 0 68 72 928 20
1635 Steamwheedle Cartel 0 0 0 891 169 892
1636 Farstriders 4 4 2
1637 Farstriders 4 4 2
1638 Exodar 2 2 4
1639 Exodar 3 2 12
1640 Exodar 2 2 4
1641 Warsong Outriders 4 4 2
1642 Silverwing Sentinels 2 2 4
1643 Troll, Forest 8 0 1 937
1644 The Sons of Lothar 2 2 4
1645 The Sons of Lothar 3 2 12
1646 Exodar 2 2 4
1647 Exodar 3 2 12
1648 The Sons of Lothar 2 2 4 72
1649 The Sons of Lothar 2 2 4 72
1650 The Mag'har 5 4 10
1651 The Mag'har 4 4 2 28
1652 The Mag'har 4 4 2
1653 The Mag'har 4 4 2
1654 Exodar 2 2 4 69
1655 Exodar 2 2 4 69
1656 Silvermoon City 5 4 10
1657 Silvermoon City 4 4 2
1658 Silvermoon City 4 4 2
1659 Cenarion Expedition 1 0 8 60 942
1660 Cenarion Expedition 1 0 8 942
1661 Cenarion Expedition 1 0 8 942
1662 Fel Orc 8 0 1 943
1663 Fel Orc Ghost 8 0 1 945 944
1664 Sons of Lothar Ghosts 8 0 1 944 945
1665 None 1 7 8
1666 Honor Hold 3 2 12
1667 Honor Hold 2 2 4 72
1668 Thrallmar 5 4 10
1669 Thrallmar 4 4 2
1670 Thrallmar 4 4 2
1671 Honor Hold 2 2 4
1672 Test Faction 1 1 7 0 952 949
1673 ToWoW - Flag 0 0 0 951 950
1674 Test Faction 4 0 15 0 951 950 953
1675 Test Faction 3 0 15 0 949 952
1676 ToWoW - Flag Trigger Horde (DND) 0 15 0 954
1677 ToWoW - Flag Trigger Alliance (DND) 0 15 0 954
1678 Ethereum 8 0 1 956
1679 Broken 8 0 1 40 955
1680 Elemental 0 1 0 957 74
1681 Earth Elemental 8 0 1 74 74
1682 Fighting Robots 0 0 0 958
1683 Actor Good 0 0 0 960 959
1684 Actor Evil 0 0 0 959 960
1685 Stillpine Furbolg 2 0 4 961
1686 Stillpine Furbolg 2 2 4 962 961
1687 Crazed Owlkin 8 0 1 961 962
1688 Chess Alliance 0 1 0 964 963
1689 Chess Horde 0 1 0 963 964
1690 Chess Alliance 0 1 0 964 963
1691 Chess Horde 0 1 0 963 964
1692 Monster Spar 8 8 1 966 965
1693 Monster Spar Buddy 8 8 1 965 966
1694 Exodar 2 2 4
1695 Silvermoon City 4 4 2
1696 The Violet Eye 0 0 0 967
1697 Fel Orc 8 0 1 946 947 943
1698 Exodar 2 2 4 968 930
1699 Exodar 2 2 4 968 930
1700 Exodar 2 2 4 968 930
1701 Sunhawks 8 0 7 930 968
1702 Sunhawks 8 0 7 930 968
1703 Training Dummy 0 0 0
1704 Fel Orc 8 0 1 679 943
1705 Fel Orc 8 0 1 943 679
1706 Fungal Giant 8 0 1 970 971
1707 Sporeggar 1 0 8 970
1708 Sporeggar 1 0 8 970
1709 Sporeggar 1 0 8 971 970
1710 Cenarion Expedition 1 0 8 942
1711 Monster, Predator 8 0 1 974 973
1712 Monster, Prey 8 0 1 974
1713 Monster, Prey 8 0 1 974
1714 Sunhawks 8 0 7 930 975 968
1715 Void Anomaly 8 0 1 975
1716 Hyjal Defenders 0 1 8 976
1717 Hyjal Defenders 0 1 0 976
1718 Hyjal Defenders 0 1 0 977 976
1719 Hyjal Defenders 0 1 8 976
1720 Hyjal Invaders 8 0 1 976 977
1721 Kurenai 3 2 12 978
1722 Kurenai 2 2 4 978
1723 Kurenai 2 2 4 978
1724 Kurenai 2 2 4 978
1725 Earthen Ring 0 7 8 469 67
1726 Earthen Ring 0 7 0 469 67
1727 Earthen Ring 0 7 8 469 67
1728 Cenarion Expedition 1 0 8 14 942
1729 Thrallmar 4 4 2
1730 The Consortium 1 0 8 933
1731 The Consortium 1 0 8 933
1732 Alliance Generic 2 2 4
1733 Alliance Generic 2 2 4
1734 Horde Generic 4 4 2
1735 Horde Generic 4 4 2
1736 Monster Spar Buddy 8 8 0 965 966
1737 Honor Hold 2 2 4 72
1738 Arakkoa 8 0 1 981
1739 Zangarmarsh Banner (Alliance) 0 0 1 982
1740 Zangarmarsh Banner (Horde) 0 0 1 982
1741 The Sha'tar 1 0 8 935
1742 Zangarmarsh Banner (Neutral) 0 0 1 984
1743 The Aldor 0 0 0 932
1744 The Scryers 0 0 0 934
1745 Silvermoon City 4 4 2 679
1746 The Scryers 0 0 0 934
1747 Caverns of Time - Thrall 1 1 0 986 987 985
1748 Caverns of Time - Durnholde 8 0 1 985 986
1749 Caverns of Time - Southshore Guards 0 0 0 985 987
1750 Shadow Council Covert 8 0 1 14
1751 Monster 8 0 1 932 935
1752 Dark Portal Attacker, Legion 8 0 7 991 992 943 529 993
1753 Dark Portal Attacker, Legion 8 0 7 991 992 943 529 993
1754 Dark Portal Attacker, Legion 8 0 7 991 992 943 529 993
1755 Dark Portal Defender, Alliance 2 2 0 993 991 992
1756 Dark Portal Defender, Alliance 2 2 0 993 991 992
1757 Dark Portal Defender, Alliance 2 2 0 993 991 992
1758 Dark Portal Defender, Horde 4 4 0 993 992 991
1759 Dark Portal Defender, Horde 4 4 0 993 992 991
1760 Dark Portal Defender, Horde 4 4 0 993 992 991
1761 Inciter Trigger 0 0 15 994
1762 Inciter Trigger 2 0 0 7 996 997 998 994
1763 Inciter Trigger 3 0 0 7 997 998 994 995
1764 Inciter Trigger 4 0 0 7 998 994 995 996
1765 Inciter Trigger 5 0 0 7 994 995 996 997
1766 Argent Dawn 0 0 0 993 529
1767 Argent Dawn 0 0 0 993 529
1768 Demon 0 0 15 14 529 73
1769 Demon 0 0 15 14 529 73
1770 Actor Good 0 1 0 960 959
1771 Actor Evil 0 0 1 959 960
1772 Mana Creature 8 0 1 968 999
1773 Khadgar's Servant 0 1 0 1000
1774 Friendly 0 1 0 1000 31
1775 The Sha'tar 1 0 8 935
1776 The Aldor 0 0 0 1010 932
1777 The Aldor 0 0 0 932
1778 The Scale of the Sands 0 0 0 990
1779 Keepers of Time 0 0 0 989
1780 Bladespire Clan 8 0 1 929 1001
1781 Bloodmaul Clan 8 0 1 1001 929
1782 Bladespire Clan 8 0 1 929 1001
1783 Bloodmaul Clan 8 0 1 1001 929
1784 Bladespire Clan 8 0 1 929 1001
1785 Bloodmaul Clan 8 0 1 1001 929
1786 Demon 8 0 1 73
1787 Monster 8 0 1 994 14
1788 The Consortium 1 0 8 968 933
1789 Sunhawks 8 0 7 933 968
1790 Bladespire Clan 8 0 1 929 1001
1791 Bloodmaul Clan 8 0 1 1001 929
1792 Fel Orc 8 0 1 943
1793 Sunhawks 8 0 7 930 968
1794 Protectorate 0 1 0 1003
1795 Protectorate 0 1 0 956 1003
1796 Ethereum 8 0 1 1003 956
1797 Protectorate 0 1 0 1003
1798 Arcane Annihilator (DNR) 8 0 1 968 1004
1799 Ethereum Sparbuddy 8 0 1 956 1002
1800 Ethereum 8 0 1 1002 956
1801 Horde 5 4 10
1802 Alliance 3 2 12
1803 Ambient 0 0 4
1804 Ambient 0 0 2
1805 The Aldor 1 1 0 932
1806 Friendly 0 1 8 31
1807 Protectorate 1 1 8 1003
1808 Kirin'Var - Belmara 8 0 1 1007
1809 Kirin'Var - Cohlien 8 0 1 1009
1810 Kirin'Var - Dathric 8 0 1 1006
1811 Kirin'Var - Luminrath 8 0 1 1008
1812 Friendly 0 1 8 31
1813 Servant of Illidan 8 0 1 1023 1010
1814 Monster Spar Buddy 8 8 1 965 966
1815 Beast - Wolf 8 0 1 28 29
1816 Friendly 0 1 0 31
1818 Lower City 0 0 0 1011
1819 Alliance Generic 2 2 12 73 471
1820 Ashtongue Deathsworn 0 0 0 1012
1821 Spirits of Shadowmoon 1 0 1 0 1013
1822 Spirits of Shadowmoon 2 0 1 0 1013
1823 Ethereum 8 0 1 956
1824 Netherwing 0 0 0 1015
1825 Demon 0 0 15 14 529 73
1826 Servant of Illidan 8 0 1 73 1023 1010
1827 Wyrmcult 8 0 1 1016
1828 Treant 0 0 0 1016 1017
1829 Leotheras Demon I 0 1 0 1018 14
1830 Leotheras Demon II 0 1 0 1019 14
1831 Leotheras Demon III 0 1 0 1020 14
1832 Leotheras Demon IV 0 1 0 1021 14
1833 Leotheras Demon V 0 1 0 1022 14
1834 Azaloth 0 0 15 14 1010 1023
1835 Horde Generic 4 4 10 73 471
1836 The Consortium 1 0 8 933
1837 Sporeggar 1 0 8 971 970
1838 The Scryers 0 0 0 1010 934
1839 Rock Flayer 8 0 1 1025 1024
1840 Flayer Hunter 1 7 0 1024 1025
1841 Shadowmoon Shade 0 1 0 1026
1842 Legion Communicator 0 0 1
1843 Servant of Illidan 8 0 1 932 934 1033 1012 1010
1844 The Aldor 0 0 0 1010 932
1845 The Scryers 0 0 0 1010 934
1846 Ravenswood Ancients 8 0 1 1028
1847 Monster Spar 8 8 1 966 965
1848 Monster Spar Buddy 8 8 1 965 966
1849 Servant of Illidan 8 0 1 1023 1010
1850 Netherwing 0 0 0 52 1015
1851 Lower City 1 0 8 1011
1852 Chess, Friendly to All Chess 0 1 0 963 964 1029
1853 Servant of Illidan 8 0 1 932 934 1010
1854 The Aldor 0 0 0 1030 932 934
1855 The Scryers 0 0 0 1030 934 932
1856 Sha'tari Skyguard 1 0 0 1031
1857 Friendly 1 1 8 1032
1858 Ashtongue Deathsworn 0 1 0 1030 932 934 1012 1033
1859 Maiev 0 1 0 1030 932 934 1012 1033
1860 Skettis Shadowy Arakkoa 0 1 0 1034
1862 Skettis Arakkoa 8 0 1 1035
1863 Orc, Dragonmaw 8 0 1 1015 1036 932 934 52
1864 Dragonmaw Enemy 8 0 1 52 14
1865 Orc, Dragonmaw 8 0 1 52
1866 Ashtongue Deathsworn 1 0 0 1010 1012
1867 Maiev 0 1 0 1010 932 934 1012 1033
1868 Monster Spar Buddy 0 1 0 965 966
1869 Arakkoa 8 0 0 1035
1870 Sha'tari Skyguard 1 0 0 1031
1871 Skettis Arakkoa 8 0 1 1035
1872 Ogri'la 1 0 0 1038
1873 Rock Flayer 8 0 1 1024
1874 Ogri'la 1 0 0 1038
1875 The Aldor 0 0 0 52 932
1876 The Scryers 0 0 0 52 934
1877 Orc, Dragonmaw 8 0 1 1015 932 934 52
1878 Frenzy 8 0 1 1041
1879 Skyguard Enemy 8 0 1 1031 1042
1880 Orc, Dragonmaw 8 0 1 52
1881 Skettis Arakkoa 8 0 1 1035
1882 Servant of Illidan 8 0 1 1023 1010
1883 Theramore Deserter 8 0 7 1044
1884 Tuskarr 8 8 1
1885 Vrykul 8 0 1 1045
1886 Creature 8 0 1 7
1887 Creature 8 0 0 7 7
1888 Northsea Pirates 8 8 1 1046
1889 UNUSED 8 0 1 1048
1890 Troll, Amani 8 0 1 1049
1891 Valiance Expedition 3 2 4 1050
1892 Valiance Expedition 2 2 4 1050
1893 Valiance Expedition 3 2 4 1045 1050
1894 Vrykul 8 0 1 1045
1895 Vrykul 8 0 1 1050 1045
1896 Darkmoon Faire 1 1 8 909
1897 The Hand of Vengeance 4 4 2 1045 1050 1052 1067
1898 Valiance Expedition 2 2 4 1067 1050
1899 Valiance Expedition 2 2 4 1067 1050
1900 The Hand of Vengeance 4 4 2 1053 1052 1067
1901 Horde Expedition 4 4 2 1052
1902 Actor Evil 8 0 1
1904 Actor Evil 8 0 1
1905 Tamed Plaguehound 0 0 0 1054 1055
1906 Spotted Gryphon 8 0 1 1055 1054
1907 Test Faction 1 1 0 8 949 948
1908 Test Faction 1 1 0 0 949 948
1909 Beast - Raptor 0 0 9 14 42
1910 Vrykul (Ancient Spirit 1) 0 1 0 1056
1911 Vrykul (Ancient Siprit 2) 0 1 0 1057
1912 Vrykul (Ancient Siprit 3) 1 1 0 1058
1913 CTF - Flag - Alliance 0 7 0 1059
1914 Vrykul 8 0 1 1067 1085 1045
1915 Test 0 0 0 1060
1916 Maiev 0 1 0 1010 932 934 1012 1033
1917 Creature 0 0 1 7
1918 Horde Expedition 4 4 2 679 1052
1919 Vrykul Gladiator 8 0 1 1063 1062
1920 Valgarde Combatant 3 0 4 1062 1063
1921 The Taunka 0 4 2 1064
1922 The Taunka 0 4 2 1064
1923 The Taunka 0 4 2 1064
1924 Monster, Zone Force Reaction 1 8 0 1 1065
1925 Monster 8 0 9 14
1926 Explorers' League 2 0 4 1068
1927 Explorers' League 2 0 4 1068
1928 The Hand of Vengeance 4 0 2 1067 1052
1929 The Hand of Vengeance 4 0 2 1067 1052
1930 Ram Racing Powerup DND 0 0 0 1069
1931 Ram Racing Trap DND 0 0 0 1070
1932 Elemental 0 0 15 14 74
1933 Friendly 0 4 0 31
1934 Actor Good 2 2 4 960 959
1935 Actor Good 4 4 2 960 959
1936 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1937 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1938 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1939 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1940 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1941 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1942 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0 960
1943 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1944 Craig's Squirrels 0 0 0
1945 Craig's Squirrels 15 15 15 1071 551 189
1947 Craig's Squirrels 15 15 15 1071 551 189
1948 Blue 1 2 1 469 921
1949 The Kalu'ak 0 0 0 1046 1073
1950 The Kalu'ak 0 0 0 1073
1951 Darnassus 2 2 12 22 29 69
1952 Holiday - Water Barrel 0 1 0 1074
1953 Monster, Predator 8 0 1 974 973
1954 Iron Dwarves 8 0 1 1076
1955 Iron Dwarves 8 0 1 1076
1956 Shattered Sun Offensive 1 0 0 1077
1957 Shattered Sun Offensive 1 0 0 1077
1958 Actor Evil 8 0 1 959 960
1959 Actor Evil 0 1 0 959 960
1960 Shattered Sun Offensive 1 0 0 1077
1961 Fighting Vanity Pet 0 15 0 1078
1962 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 73 20
1963 Demon 8 0 1 20 73
1964 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 73 20
1965 Monster Spar 8 8 1 966 965
1966 Murloc 8 0 0 60 19
1967 Shattered Sun Offensive 1 0 0 1077
1968 Murloc, Winterfin 0 0 8 19 1079
1969 Murloc 8 0 1 1079 19
1970 Monster 8 0 1 1079 14
1971 Friendly, Force Reaction 0 1 0 1080
1972 Object, Force Reaction 0 0 0
1973 Valiance Expedition 3 2 4 1050
1974 Valiance Expedition 2 2 4 1084 20 1050
1975 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1050 20
1976 Valiance Expedition 3 2 4 679 1050
1977 Valiance Expedition 3 2 4 1050
1978 Warsong Offensive 4 0 2 1085
1979 Warsong Offensive 4 0 2 1085
1980 Warsong Offensive 4 0 2 20 1085
1981 Warsong Offensive 4 0 2 1085
1982 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 1085 20
1983 Monster Spar 8 8 1 966 965
1984 Monster Spar Buddy 8 8 1 965 966
1985 Monster 8 0 1 20 14
1986 Escortee 1 1 8 1057 1058 1056 40
1987 Cenarion Expedition 1 0 0 1086 942 148
1988 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1050 20
1989 Poacher 8 0 1 148 942 1086
1990 Ambient 8 0 1 148 942
1991 Undead, Scourge 0 0 7 14 148 928 20
1992 Monster 0 0 9 14
1993 Monster Spar 2 2 4 966 965
1994 Monster Spar Buddy 2 2 4 965 966
1995 CTF - Flag - Alliance 0 5 2 1059
1997 CTF - Flag - Alliance 0 3 4 1059
1998 Holiday Monster 8 0 1 1087
1999 Monster, Prey 8 0 0 974
2000 Monster, Prey 8 0 0 974
2001 Furbolg, Redfang 8 8 1 1089 1088
2003 Furbolg, Frostpaw 8 8 1 1088 1089
2004 Valiance Expedition 3 2 4 20 1050
2005 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1050 20
2006 Kirin Tor 0 0 0 1090
2007 Kirin Tor 0 0 0 1090
2008 Kirin Tor 0 0 0 1090
2009 Kirin Tor 1 0 0 1090
2010 The Wyrmrest Accord 0 0 0 1091
2011 The Wyrmrest Accord 0 0 0 1091
2012 The Wyrmrest Accord 0 0 0 1091
2013 The Wyrmrest Accord 0 0 0 1091
2014 Azjol-Nerub 0 0 0 1092
2016 Azjol-Nerub 0 0 0 20 1092
2017 Azjol-Nerub 0 0 0 1092
2018 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1092 20
2019 The Taunka 0 4 2 20 1064
2020 Warsong Offensive 4 4 2 1085
2021 REUSE 3 2 4 1082
2022 Monster 8 0 1 14
2023 Scourge Invaders 9 0 6 14 148 928 20
2024 The Hand of Vengeance 5 0 2 1067
2025 The Silver Covenant 3 2 4 67 1094
2026 The Silver Covenant 3 2 4 67 1094
2027 The Silver Covenant 3 2 4 67 1094
2028 Ambient 0 1 0
2029 Monster, Predator 8 0 1 974 28 973
2030 Monster, Predator 8 0 1 974 28 973
2031 Horde Generic 4 4 0 148
2032 Grizzly Hills Trapper 0 2 4 1095
2033 Monster 8 0 1 56
2034 Warsong Offensive 4 0 2 1095 1085
2035 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 31 20
2036 Friendly 0 1 8 20 31
2037 Valiance Expedition 2 2 4 148 1050
2038 Ambient 8 0 0 1050 148
2039 Monster 8 0 1 1050 14
2040 Valiance Expedition 3 2 4 14 1050
2041 The Wyrmrest Accord 0 0 0 20 1091
2042 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1091 20
2043 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1050 1085 20
2044 Valiance Expedition 1 2 4 20 1050
2045 Warsong Offensive 0 4 2 20 1085
2046 Escortee 5 4 8
2047 The Kalu'ak 0 0 0 965
2048 Scourge Invaders 8 0 0 928 20
2049 Scourge Invaders 0 0 0 928 20
2050 Knights of the Ebon Blade 1 0 0 1098
2051 Knights of the Ebon Blade 1 0 0 1098
2052 Wrathgate Scourge 8 1 0 1050 1085 1101 1100 1099
2053 Wrathgate Alliance 1 6 0 20 1099 1100
2054 Wrathgate Horde 0 6 0 20 1099 1101
2055 Monster Spar 4 4 2 966 965
2056 Monster Spar Buddy 4 4 2 965 966
2057 Monster, Zone Force Reaction 2 8 0 1 1066
2058 CTF - Flag - Horde 0 7 0 1102
2059 CTF - Flag - Neutral 0 7 0 1103
2060 Frenzyheart Tribe 0 0 0 1104
2061 Frenzyheart Tribe 0 0 0 1105 1104
2062 Frenzyheart Tribe 0 0 0 1105 1104
2063 The Oracles 0 0 0 1105
2064 The Oracles 0 0 0 1104 1105
2065 The Oracles 0 0 0 14 1105
2066 The Oracles 0 0 0 1104 1105
2067 The Wyrmrest Accord 0 0 8 14 1091
2068 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1107 1106 959 20
2069 Troll, Drakkari 8 0 7 1106 20 1107
2070 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 1106
2071 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 1106
2072 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 1106
2073 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 1107 20 1106
2074 Caverns of Time - Durnholde 8 0 0 986 987
2075 CoT Scourge 8 0 1 1108 1110
2076 CoT Arthas 0 1 0 1110 1109 1108
2077 CoT Arthas 0 1 0 1110 1109 1108
2078 CoT Stratholme Citizen 0 0 0 1109
2079 CoT Arthas 0 1 0 1110 1109 1108
2080 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1111 20
2081 Freya 0 1 0 20 1111
2082 Undead, Scourge 0 1 0 20
2083 Undead, Scourge 0 1 0 20
2084 Undead, Scourge 0 1 0 529 56 20
2085 Undead, Scourge 0 1 0 529 56 20
2086 Argent Dawn 8 0 1 529
2087 Argent Dawn 8 0 1 529
2088 Actor Evil 0 0 1 20 56 960
2089 Scarlet Crusade 8 0 1 20 529 56
2090 Mount - Taxi - Alliance 2 0 0 1112
2091 Mount - Taxi - Horde 4 0 0 1113
2092 Mount - Taxi - Neutral 0 1 0 1114
2093 Undead, Scourge 0 1 0 959 20
2094 Undead, Scourge 0 1 0 20
2095 Scarlet Crusade 8 0 1 20 529 56
2096 Scarlet Crusade 0 0 0 20 529 56
2097 Undead, Scourge 8 0 1 20
2098 Elemental, Air 8 0 1 1115 1116
2099 Elemental, Water 8 0 1 1116 1115
2100 Undead, Scourge 0 1 8 529 56 20
2101 Actor Evil 0 1 0 959 960
2102 Actor Evil 0 0 1 959 960
2103 Scarlet Crusade 8 0 1 20 529 56
2104 Monster Spar 1 1 0 966 965
2105 Monster Spar Buddy 1 1 0 965 966
2106 Ambient 8 0 1 28 148
2107 The Sons of Hodir 8 0 0 1120 1121 1119
2108 Iron Giants 8 0 1 1119 1120
2109 Frost Vrykul 8 0 1 1121
2110 Friendly 0 1 8 31
2111 Monster 8 0 1 31 14
2112 The Sons of Hodir 8 0 0 1121 1119
2113 Frost Vrykul 8 0 1 1119 1121
2114 Vrykul 8 0 1 1045 20
2115 Actor Good 0 1 8 1107 20 959
2116 Vrykul 8 0 1 1045
2117 Actor Good 0 1 8 1107 20 959
2118 Earthen 0 1 0 1120 1122
2119 Monster Referee 8 0 1 965 966 1123
2120 Monster Referee 8 0 1 965 966 1123
2121 The Sunreavers 4 4 2 1124
2122 The Sunreavers 4 4 2 1124
2123 The Sunreavers 4 4 2 1124
2124 Monster 8 0 1 1119 14
2125 Frost Vrykul 8 0 1 148 1121
2126 Frost Vrykul 8 0 1 148 1121
2127 Ambient 0 0 0 1121 148
2128 Hyldsmeet 0 1 0 1125 1125
2129 The Sunreavers 4 4 10 1124
2130 The Silver Covenant 3 2 12 67 1094
2131 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 1107 20 1106
2132 Warsong Offensive 5 4 2 1085
2133 Frost Vrykul 8 0 1 1119 1121
2134 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 20 1106
2135 Friendly 0 1 0 31
2136 Ambient 0 0 0 148
2137 Friendly 0 1 0 148 31
2138 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 1107 20 1106
2139 Scourge Invaders 8 0 1 68 72 928 20
2140 Friendly 0 1 0 20 31
2141 Friendly 0 1 8 31
2142 Alliance 3 2 12
2143 Valiance Expedition 2 2 4 1085 1050
2144 Knights of the Ebon Blade 1 0 0 20 1098
2145 Scourge Invaders 8 0 7 14 148 928 20
2148 The Kalu'ak 0 0 0 1073
2150 Monster Spar Buddy 8 8 1 965
2155 Ironforge 2 2 4 47
2156 Monster, Predator 0 0 0 973
2176 Actor Good 4 4 2 960 959
2178 Actor Good 2 2 4 960 959
2189 Hates Everything 8 0 15 1145
2190 Hates Everything 8 0 15 1145
2191 Hates Everything 8 0 15 1145
2209 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1098 1106 20
2210 Silvermoon City 4 7 0
2212 Undead, Scourge 8 0 7 1098 1106 20
2214 Knights of the Ebon Blade 1 6 0 20 1098 529
2216 The Ashen Verdict 0 0 0 1106 1156 1098
2217 The Ashen Verdict 0 0 0 1106 1156 1098
2218 The Ashen Verdict 0 0 0 20 1106 1156 1098
2219 The Ashen Verdict 0 0 0 20 1106 1156 1098
2226 Knights of the Ebon Blade 1 6 0 20 1098 529
2230 Argent Crusade 0 0 0 1107 20 1106
2235 CTF - Flag - Horde 2 0 5 2
2236 CTF - Flag - Alliance 2 0 3 4