
How to use changelog

All breaking/notable changes to this project will be documented in the /docs/changelog/master.md file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

This changelog should provide an easy way for the developers to upgrade their own code which is connected to AzerothCore (e.g. modules, APIs, scripts etc.) It's not a way to keep track of ALL the changes made (we have the git history for that). Therefore, just 2 golden rules to follow:

How to create a changelog

The creation of a changelog for a PR is similar to the creation of a new sql file. Under the doc/changelog/pendings folder you will find a create.sh script.

Run this script to create a new changelog file in the same folder which will be automatically called changes_<timestamp>.md.

Once the PR is merged, our pipeline will merge your file into the doc/changelog/master.md by automatically creating a new section inside that file. This section will be titled with the new version number based on the previous one from the acore.json file you can find within the root folder.

So, for instance:

if the current version is 1.0.0-dev.1, after your PR is merged it will be changed to 1.0.0-dev.2 automatically within the acore.json and a new section called ## 1.0.0-dev.2 will be created under the master.md changelog.

This approach is pretty useful also for modules to keep track of the compatibility

How to write a changelog

It's mandatory to use the “Keep a Changelog” format, by correctly using the following types of section titles:

You have to create a new H3 section ( ### in markdown) for every different type of changes.

For example:

### Added

- new hooks X, Y
- new formula for Z

### Changed

- return value for hook X, now it's boolean instead of void

Document how to upgrade

After the sections above you have to describe the steps needed to upgrade the code. This is the most important part and it's particulary useful for module authors to fix their code based on what you changed without struggling reading tons of commits and looking for information around.

To do so, you can use the generated ### How to upgrade section by our create.sh. Please, be as much as detailed as possible. If the guidelines are very long and they require more than few lines (an entire wiki page for instance), you can just link that page then.


### How to upgrade

- The hook OnCheck of the Achievement script class now returns a boolean instead of a void. Add `return true` to your methods if you don't want to change the original behaviour. 

How to release a new major version

This is a manual process. Everytime we release a new major version (4.0.0, 5.0.0 etc.) we need to move the master.md into the doc/changelog/previous-versions folder and rename it using this format: v[major].x.md. After that we have to create a new empty master.md file