


The `lfg_dungeon_encounters` table



Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
dungeonId INT UNSIGNED PRI NO 0 Dungeon entry from dbc
maxlevel TINYINT UNSIGNED PRI NO 0 Max level at which this reward is rewarded
firstQuestId INT UNSIGNED NO 0 Quest id with rewards for first dungeon this day
firstMoneyVar INT UNSIGNED NO 0 Money multiplier for completing the dungeon first time in a day with less players than max
firstXPVar INT UNSIGNED NO 0 Experience multiplier for completing the dungeon first time in a day with less players than max
otherQuestId INT UNSIGNED NO 0 Quest id with rewards for Nth dungeon this day
otherMoneyVar INT UNSIGNED NO 0 Money multiplier for completing the dungeon Nth time in a day with less players than max
otherXPVar INT UNSIGNED NO 0 Experience multiplier for completing the dungeon Nth time in a day with less players than max

Description of the fields


Dungeon ID from LFGDungeons.dbc


Max level at which this reward is rewarded


Quest_template.id with rewards for first dungeon this day.


Money multiplier for completing the dungeon first time in a day with less players than max.


Experience multiplier for completing the dungeon first time in a day with less players than max.


Quest_template.id with rewards for Nth dungeon this day


Money multiplier for completing the dungeon Nth time in a day with less players than max.


Experience multiplier for completing the dungeon Nth time in a day with less players than max.