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Tables**:** phase_area


PhaseIds added to player by zone/area events.  Each line holds one Zone or Area with one phaseId and a description.  Each line is active by default. With the table conditionsyou can edit the working range of the phase.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
AreaId INT No PRI 0
PhaseId INT No PRI 0

Description of the fields


This is the Zone or Area identifier, see AreaTrigger.dbc


This is the connected PhaseId 


A free description.


As Demo we look at Kezan, Startarea Goblin.

The Player-Character is starting with PhaseId 378 and change on Quest Reward 14109 to Phase 379.

So first we set the definition of both phaseIds to table phase_area

AreaId PhaseId Comment
4737 378 Kezan startarea
4737 379 Kezan startarea

Now we must declare the Quest-Range by using conditions. Note: we starting from start in phase 378, so we need no start-range, only the end range

SourceTypeOrReferenceId SourceGroup SourceEntry ConditionTypeOrReference ConditionValue1 NegativeCondition Comment
26 378 4737 8 14109 1 Kezan Set in Phase 378 from start to -Reward 14109

Next we declare the following range for phase 379 starting with reward on quest 10109 and end on reward quest 14153

SourceTypeOrReferenceId SourceGroup SourceEntry ConditionTypeOrReference ConditionValue1 NegativeCondition Comment
26 379 4737 8 14109 0 Kezan Set in Phase 379 from reward 14109
26 379 4737 8 14153 1 Kezan Set in Phase 379 to reward 14153

And so on….

Note: The quest 14109/14110 14113/14153 are Required Gender Quest.