
Wiki Alerts and Callouts


Alerts can be added as following.

{% raw %}

{% include note.html content="Add content between quotes" %}
{% include tip.html content="Add content between quotes" %}
{% include important.html content="Add content between quotes" %}
{% include warning.html content="Add content between quotes" %}

{% endraw %}

{% include note.html content=“Add content between quotes” %} {% include tip.html content=“Add content between quotes” %} {% include important.html content=“Add content between quotes” %} {% include warning.html content=“Add content between quotes” %}

If you need multiple paragraphs, enter <br/>.

The include uses markdown="span" as an attribute, which means GFM will process the entire content as a span. You can’t use block elements such as p or div or pre. If you need these elements, you can either manually surround the content with the HTML from the include, or you can use these tags:

{% raw %}

<a href="http://azerothcore.org">Webpage</a>

{% endraw %}

site.data.alerts.note <p>Content</p> <a href=“http://azerothcore.org”>Webpage</a> site.data.alerts.end


{% raw %}

{% include callout.html content="Add content between quotes" type="primary" %}

{% endraw %}

{% include callout.html content=“Add content between quotes” type=“primary” %}

The type can be one of the following


{% include callout.html content=“This is a <b>danger</b> callout.” type=“danger” %} {% include callout.html content=“This is a <b>default</b> callout.” type=“default” %} {% include callout.html content=“This is a <b>primary</b> callout.” type=“primary” %} {% include callout.html content=“This is a <b>success</b> callout.” type=“success” %} {% include callout.html content=“This is a <b>info</b> callout.” type=“info” %} {% include callout.html content=“This is a <b>warning</b> callout.” type=“warning” %}