

This DBC contains all possible races, some of which are unused and unavailable to players.

Version is : 3.3.5a

Column Field Type Notes
1 ID Integer
2 Flags Integer
3 FactionID iRefID Faction template ID. The order in the creation screen depends on this.
4 Exploration iRefID Played on exploring zones with SMSG_EXPLORATION_EXPERIENCE.
5 MaleModel iRefID Only used for the character creation/selection screen. Server sets the model ingame.
6 FemaleModel iRefID Only used for the character creation/selection screen. Server sets the model ingame.
7 ClientPrefix String A short form of the name. Used for helmet models.
8 BaseLanguage Integer 1 = Horde, 7 = Alliance & Not playable.
9 creatureType iRefID Always 7 (Humanoid).
10 ResSicknessSpellID Integer Always 15007.
11 SplashSoundID Integer 1090 for dwarfs, 1096 for the others. Getting stored in CGUnit at CGUnit::PostInit.
12 clientFilestring String Same as the one used in model filepaths.
13 cinematicSequenceID iRefID Used for the opening cinematic.
14 alliance Integer Faction (0 = Alliance, 1 = Horde, 2 = Not available)
15-30 RaceNameNeutral Loc A name to display.
31 NameLangMask Integer String flags, unused
32-47 RaceNameFemale Loc If different from base case, otherwise unused. Always NULL for zhCN.
48 NameFemaleLangMask Integer String flags, unused
49-64 RaceNameMale Loc If different from base case, otherwise unused. Always NULL for zhCN.
65 NameMaleLangMask Integer String flags, unused
66 facialHairCustomization String Internal names for the facial features.
67 facialHairCustomization String The localized ones are in luas.
68 hairCustomization String Internal name for the hair customizations. Horns for tauren, normal for the others.
69 required_expansion Integer 0 = Classic & Not playable, 1 = Burning Crusade
ID Value Name
1 1 Human
2 2 Orc
3 4 Dwarf
4 8 Night Elf
5 16 Undead
6 32 Tauren
7 64 Gnome
8 128 Troll
9 256 Goblin
10 512 Blood Elf
11 1024 Draenei
12 2048 Fel Orc
13 4096 Naga
14 8192 Broken
15 16384 Skeleton
16 32768 Vrykul
17 65536 Tuskarr
18 131072 Forest Troll
19 262144 Taunka
20 524288 Northrend Skeleton
21 1048576 Ice Troll
Flag Description
1 Not playable
2 Bare feet
4 Can mount
8 Has bald

Alliance only = 1101 Horde only = 690 Both factions = 1791 (0 may work)

If you want to learn how bits work you can read the bit-and-bytes tutorial.

  • docs-en/
  • 最后更改: 2024/03/15 19:08