
Column Field Type Notes Extra info
0 eventID Integer Holiday event ID
1 eventStage1Duration Integer Stage1 event length (for stage1 either as preparation or main event. See eventSchedulerType for more info)
2 eventStage2Duration Integer Stage2 event length (for stage2 either as main event or cooldown. See eventSchedulerType for more info)
11 eventDate Integer Packed blizzdate - Epochdate=01.01.2000-00:00 - Year is discarded if column12 is 0
37 Region integer ??? (needs more research)
38 Looping integer ??? (needs more research - used only on Call To Arms events) 283 - Call to Arms: Alterac Valley
284 - Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch
285 - Call to Arms: Arathi Basin
353 - Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm
400 - Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancient
420 - Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest
39 calendarFlags integer ??? (needs more research)
49 eventCalendarName iRefID Ref to Loc in HolidayNames.dbc
50 eventCalendarDescription iRefID Ref to Loc in HolidayDescriptions.dbc
51 eventCalendarOverlay String Overlay texture used for ingame calendar event-decorations
52 priority Integer ??? (needs more research)
53 eventSchedulerType Integer Definition of which timer is used, see eventSchedulerType below -1: repeat, yearly
0: repeat, weekly
1: repeat, use defined dates
2: repeat, hourly
54 eventFlags Integer ??? (needs more research)
eventSchedulerType defines what kind of timer is used for when the event is to stop, start etc. - and if it uses different stages during it's "buildup"-phase (2 stages available)
-1: event repeats every year based on column11, column12 etc dates - length and possible event stages is taken from the information given in column1 and column2 (adjusted in DBC to keep it in line with **yearly** changes) - if column12=0, use DATE only from field11
0: event repeats every 7 days, with a duration of <eventStage1Duration> hours (hardcoded startdate serverside depending on eventID)
1: event repeats based on column11, column12 etc values (see -1) - if <eventStage2Duration> exists, use <eventStage1Duration> as event prestage length
2: event repeats every X hours (with <eventStage2Duration> being the eventPause/eventWait timer)
  • docs-en/
  • 最后更改: 2024/03/23 15:34
  • admin