How to import DBC data inside the AC database
This guide will show you how to import DBC data inside the AzerothCore database and edit them. For the guide we are going to use the AreaTable.dbc as example by changing the Hyjal zone from “Normal” to “Sanctuary (with duels allowed)”. If you do this you will turn that zone into crossfaction and, for example, you can use it for events.
- Nodejs for the node-dbc-reader
Getting started
1. install my dbc-reader
Clone or download this repository and run npm install
inside the downloaded folder.
Read the documentation of that repository if you need to run more complex commands.
2. Search your data
Run this command to check that the zone is correct: npm run start -- --search="[616].includes({*})" --columns=ID AreaTable
This command will search into the ID column with the following condition: [616].includes({*})
which means that the program will search for all the IDs that include the values within the [ ] array. In this case we only need the value 616.
Note: the –search option is backed by an eval, which means you can run any javascript method to execute a comparison
The result of that command will be:
{ "ID": 616, "ContinentID": 1, "ParentAreaID": 0, "AreaBit": 619, "Flags": 64, "SoundProviderPref": 0, "SoundProviderPrefUnderwater": 11, "AmbienceID": 31, "ZoneMusic": 0, "IntroSound": 0, "ExplorationLevel": 0, "AreaName_Lang_enUS": "Hyjal", "AreaName_Lang_enGB": "", "AreaName_Lang_koKR": "", "AreaName_Lang_frFR": "", "AreaName_Lang_deDE": "", "AreaName_Lang_enCN": "", "AreaName_Lang_zhCN": "", "AreaName_Lang_enTW": "", "AreaName_Lang_zhTW": "", "AreaName_Lang_esES": "", "AreaName_Lang_esMX": "", "AreaName_Lang_ruRU": "", "AreaName_Lang_ptPT": "", "AreaName_Lang_ptBR": "", "AreaName_Lang_itIT": "", "AreaName_Lang_Unk": "", "AreaName_Lang_Mask": 16712190, "FactionGroupMask": 0, "LiquidTypeID_1": 0, "LiquidTypeID_2": 0, "LiquidTypeID_3": 0, "LiquidTypeID_4": 0, "MinElevation": -500, "Ambient_Multiplier": 0, "Lightid": 0 }
The value: "Flags": 64
means “normal zone”, we have to override it with 19456 - Sanctuary (Duels allowed)
For the DBC documentation check this wiki
You can check the list of the flags here
- Export the SQL
Now run the same command above but with the output type : npm run start -- -s "[616].includes({*})" -t sql --columns=ID AreaTable
to extract the INSERT query
INSERT IGNORE INTO areatable_dbc (`ID`,`ContinentID`,`ParentAreaID`,`AreaBit`,`Flags`,`SoundProviderPref`,`SoundProviderPrefUnderwater`,`AmbienceID`,`ZoneMusic`,`IntroSound`,`ExplorationLevel`,`AreaName_Lang_enUS`,`AreaName_Lang_enGB`,`AreaName_Lang_koKR`,`AreaName_Lang_frFR`,`AreaName_Lang_deDE`,`AreaName_Lang_enCN`,`AreaName_Lang_zhCN`,`AreaName_Lang_enTW`,`AreaName_Lang_zhTW`,`AreaName_Lang_esES`,`AreaName_Lang_esMX`,`AreaName_Lang_ruRU`,`AreaName_Lang_ptPT`,`AreaName_Lang_ptBR`,`AreaName_Lang_itIT`,`AreaName_Lang_Unk`,`AreaName_Lang_Mask`,`FactionGroupMask`,`LiquidTypeID_1`,`LiquidTypeID_2`,`LiquidTypeID_3`,`LiquidTypeID_4`,`MinElevation`,`Ambient_Multiplier`,`Lightid`) VALUES (616,1,0,619,64,0,11,31,0,0,0,"Hyjal","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",16712190,0,0,0,0,0,-500,0,0);
- Create the Update Query
Create the update query to set the proper faction :
UPDATE areatable_dbc SET Flags=19456 WHERE ID=616
- Create your PR
If you are using this guide to fix a bug (not for customization purpose), now you can create your PR with the 2 queries above