

The `lfg_entrances` table

Used by LFG system to teleport players on specified position. This table should be used instead of `areatrigger_teleport` tabe for all dungeons in the future.


Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
dungeonId INT UNSIGNED PRI NO 0 Dungeon entry from dbc
name VARCHAR(255) YES NULL Dungeon name from dbc
position_x FLOAT NO 0
position_y FLOAT NO 0
position_z FLOAT NO 0
orientation FLOAT NO 0

Description of the fields

Dungeon ID from LFGDungeons.dbc

Dungeon name from LFGDungeons.dbc

X coordinate for the entrance position

Y coordinate for the entrance position

Z coordinate for the entrance position

Orientation the player will get when appearing at this location

  • docs-en/
  • 最后更改: 2024/03/15 19:08