

The `quest_template_locale` table

This table is used to provide to localized clients with localized string for quest templates.


Field Type Attribute Key Null Default Extra Comment
locale VARCHAR(4) PRI NO
Title text YES
Details text YES
Objectives text YES
EndText text YES
CompletedText text YES
ObjectiveText1 text YES
ObjectiveText2 text YES
ObjectiveText3 text YES
ObjectiveText4 text YES
VerifiedBuild SMALLINT YES 0

Description of the fields

This is the ID of the quest to be translated.

ID Language
0 enUS
1 koKR
2 frFR
3 deDE
4 zhCN
5 zhTW
6 esES
7 esMX
8 ruRU

The title of the quest in the respective language.

Detail of the quest.

This is the text that is displayed when it is completed.

This is the text that is displayed until the quest is completed.

This is objective 1 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.

This is objective 2 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.

This is objective 3 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.

This is objective 4 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.

DELETE FROM `quest_template_locale` WHERE `ID`=62 AND `locale`="esES";
INSERT INTO `quest_template_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Title`, `Details`, `Objectives`, `EndText`, `CompletedText`, `ObjectiveText1`, `ObjectiveText2`, `ObjectiveText3`, `ObjectiveText4`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(62, "esES", "La Mina Abisal", "¡La mina de Villanorte no es la única que tiene problemas! Según mis informes, la Mina Abisal de Elwynn también ha sido ocupada por los kóbolds.$B$BExplora la mina y comprueba la veracidad de mis informes. Luego vuelve aquí. La mina está hacia el sur de Villadorada, entre La Granja Pedregosa y la granja Maclure.", "Explora la Mina Abisal y vuelve junto al alguacil Dughan a Villadorada.", "Explora la Mina Abisal", "Vuelve con: Alguacil Dughan. Zona: Villadorada, Bosque de Elwynn.", "", "", "", "", 18019);
  • docs-en/
  • 最后更改: 2024/03/15 19:08