

The `skill_discovery_template` table

This table controls the so called “discovery” system of learning spells. This system is solely (question){.emoticon .emoticon-question} used by the alchemy profession and controls the chance for a player to “discover” another recipe while creating items with other recipes.


Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
spellId MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED PRI NO 0 SpellId of the discoverable spell
reqSpell MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED PRI NO 0 spell requirement
reqSkillValue SMALLINT UNSIGNED NO 0 skill points requirement
chance FLOAT SIGNED NO 0 chance to discover

Description of the fields

The recipe spell ID that has a chance to be automatically discovered. See Spell.dbc

If nonzero, this field controls what spell must be specifically used to trigger the discovery (eg, spell 41458 will only be discovered while using spell 28575). If it is zero, then any recipe use can trigger the discovery. See Spell.dbc


The chance, in percent, that a recipe has of being automatically “discovered”, whether by any recipe use or by the specific recipe use defined in reqSpell

  • docs-en/
  • 最后更改: 2024/03/15 19:08