DATABASE TABLES files are to be named exactly as it is in the database,

ALL OTHER FILES are to be named in lowercase and to use - (dashes) for spaces.

FILES SHOULD NOT contain special characters other than - (dashes). If we want a file named C++ we name it cpp.

ALL WIKI FILES should end with with .md.

ALL FILES must be UTF-8 encoded to work on the wiki.

TO ENSURE EASY MAINTENANCE, all files must be written in markdown format. HTML is not allowed!

THE FILE SHOULD ALWAYS START WITH # File Name. (This is to display correct info in the browser tab.)

ALL DATABASE TABLE FILES should be present in the correct DATABASE FILE.

When adding/removing a table it should also be updated in

When linking to a page in the wiki we use relative links. ([home](home#overview)).

When linking to a header on the same page in the wiki relative links. ([withCapitalLetters](#withcapitalletters).

It is important to note that in relative links only lowercase letters are allowed and no special characters. Otherwise, the links will be broken.

When linking to a page outside of the wiki we use absolute links. ([Google](

ALL TRANSLATIONS should be in a sub-directory of /docs/ with the shortened locale of the language. i.e./docs/es/. If there have been no translations prior, you need to allow the directory path in the config. See this commit on how to do it.

ALL FILES should be named the exact same as the English versions! Do not ever translate the file names, only the contents within.

ALL ARCHIVED PAGES that could potentially have some some value should be added to the list and links to these pages should be removed from other places in the wiki.

They should also be moved into the /docs/archive/ folder.

  • docs-en/
  • 最后更改: 2024/03/15 19:08