

The `version` table

Includes information on current core and database version.


Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
core_version VARCHAR(120) SIGNED YES NULL Core revision dumped at startup
core_revision BIGINT UNSIGNED YES NULL Core revision hash
db_version VARCHAR(120) SIGNED YES NULL Version of world DB
script_version VARCHAR(120) SIGNED YES NULL Version of scripts DB
cache_id INT SIGNED YES 0 Minor DB version

Description of the fields

Full text description from the core  version your server is currently running on. Example: TrinityCore rev. 8e48ef7863c5 2015-03-22 01:28:02 +0100 (6.x branch) (Win64, Release)

Core Revision Hash your server is currently running on, i.e. Unknown or 8e48ef7863c5

Database Version your server is currently running on. Example: TDB .58

Version of scripts DB

Minor DB version. Example: 58

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  • 最后更改: 2024/03/15 19:08