
Server Setup

Installation Guide
This article is a part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.
<< Step 2: Core Installation Step 4: Database Installation >>

Table of contents

Now that you have the source compiled, you need to add some necessary files, by either downloading or extracting them.

Some files are optional but highly recommended:

dbc Mandatory
maps Mandatory
cameras Recommended


If you intend to use an enUS client you can download the data files below. If you intend to use any other language client you will need to extract the data yourself.

<a class=“no-icon” href=“https://github.com/wowgaming/client-data/releases/” target=“_blank”><i class=“fa-solid fa-download”></i> Data files enUS (AC Data v16)</a>

  1. Download the files above.
  2. Create a new folder within the build folder called Data. i.e windows: C:\Build\bin\RelWithDebInfo\Data or Linux: $HOME/azeroth-server/data/
  3. Extract the files from the zip file and place them within the Data folder.
  4. Edit your the DataDir config option to the location of your folder.


(Not needed if you downloaded the files above)

If you downloaded the files above you can skip this step and jump forward to worldserver.conf / authserver.conf.

This part is just a general summary of the overall process - please read it in more detail for the OS you are working with.

Linux Server Setup

macOS Server Setup

Windows Server Setup

AzerothCore needs certain files extracted from the World of Warcraft client. You need to extract them from a 3.3.5a client.

By default, you will compile your core with tools and you will get the following executable files: mapextractor, vmap4extractor, vmap4assembler, mmaps_generator (.exe on Windows).

Place the files with your World of Warcraft binary (wow.exe on Windows) and run them.

After extracting all necessary files, create a folder called Data within the RelWithDebInfo or Debug directory and place the files in there. Alternatively, you can specify a different directory where you want to keep them by changing the DataDir value in the worldserver.conf file.

If you use extractors from other projects or branches it is almost certain that your AzerothCore will not recognize the extracted data or even work!

When this is complete you may receive the following message which can be safely ignored:

Processing Map 724
Extracting GameObject models...Extracting World\Wmo\Band\Final_Stage.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extract V4.00 2012_02. Work complete. No errors.

Trouble Shooting

Unable to open wmo_list.txt! Nothing extracted.

You need to run Mapextractor.exe before the makevmaps_simple.bat.

Config Files

The configuration, conf, files are where you configure your settings for the world- and authserver.

Every time the core is recompiled a distributed, .dist, conf file will be made where all the default options are stored. This file serves no real purpose except for distributing all the options from the core.

Creating the config files

  1. Go to your configs folder i.e. D:\build\bin\RelWithDebInfo\configs
  2. Remove the .dist part from worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist.
    • You should be left with worldserver.conf and authserver.conf.

Open the .conf files and scroll down to LoginDatabaseInfo, WorldDatabaseInfo, and CharacterDatabaseInfo and enter MySQL login information for the server to be able to access your database.

On a newly compiled configuration, you will have the following values by default

LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;acore;acore;acore_auth" worldserver.conf / authserver.conf
WorldDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;acore;acore;acore_world" worldserver.conf
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;acore;acore;acore_characters" worldserver.conf

They follow this structure:

Variablename = "MySQLIP;Port;Username;Password;database"  

The following steps must be verified:

Updating DataDir

  1. In your worldserver.conf file locate the DataDir option.
  2. Edit it to the path of your folder. i.e C:\Build\bin\RelWithDebInfo\Data

{% include tip.html content=“For most worldserver.conf setting changes, you can simply type .reload config in-game to see changes instantly without restarting the server.” %}

{% include warning.html content=“The AzerothCore Team and Owners DO NOT in any case sponsor nor support illegal public servers. If you use these projects to run an illegal public server and not for testing and learning it is your own personal choice.” %}


(Optional) Config options by environment variable

It is possible to load config options via environment variables, which you can read about here.


If you are still having problems, check:

Installation Guide
This article is a part of the Installation Guide. You can read it alone or click on the previous link to easily move between the steps.
<< Step 2: Core Installation Step 4: Database Installation >>